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![]() TheHearpe.com part 7
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137. EXT JEREMY CAPSTAN BACKYARD DAY Jeremy Capstan sees Dove picking fruit in the backyard of the house- He sneaks out and closes the gate of
the wooden fence that surrounds the yard- Dove is trapped Jeremy sees she’s frightened and gently approaches her JEREMY It’s all right… It’s all right… You can have it… DOVE HUN! HUN It is you! Capstan picks another apple and tosses it to her JEREMY Say, you’re the one I saw on the telly, are-rent you? You’re the bird that caused that big wreck! DOVE Bird? … Yeah, Yeah… I am Dove… And you are HUN! JEREMY Your name is Dove? My, you hippies really ARE into the nature thing- No No- That’s rude! Sorry- Dove is quite actually a very pretty name… But I’m not the person you think I am… MY name is Jeremy Capstan. Hmm… Well, listen love, DOVE Dove! My name is Dove… JEREMY Yes of course… DOVE… Well Dove, you are no doubt in a lot of trouble! Better come inside where you won’t be seen. I’ve an ice box FULL of food, and perhaps I can help you get out of this dreadful fix- Dove tilts her head and warily follows as he takes her hand 138. INT TOOT-TOOT-TOOTSIE CAFÉ INT Woody and Wind are still at the lunch counter- Woody chatters as Wind eats and looks around in awe WOODY Well, I used to paint signs. Did some serious painting too- Landscapes… Portraits… Then I got better at playin this old guitar. See… You jes paint a picture once, But with a song- when you quit singing, it’s gone- then you git a job singing it again! DAVE CHINOOK (CHINOOK earlier) arrives to pick them up. Woody stands and shakes his hand, Wind stares in recognition DAVE WOODY.. WOODY GUTHRIE! Why on earth you keep travelin around in old box cars? You crazy old Okie! You’re gonna get yourself thrown in the pokey! I told you I’d pay your fare for singing on my station … WOODY Hoppin trains jest in my blood I guess. Jest come from New York City- And know what? Found out it’s not for me- all that fancy-shmancy! Heck- There’s no air to breathe! DAVE So who’s your friend here Woody? WOODY Well, This is WIND- He’s Canadian Indian and I guess that’s his whole name. Wind this is Dave. WIND CHINOOK… you CHINOOK! DAVE Why yes- that’s my last name. I’m sorry… Have we met before? 139. WIND Yes! Yes! We are Druids. You chief of hunters! DAVE What on earth are you talking about? I don’t recall ever having met you. WOODY Dave, I’m sorry, but it seems that Wind here is a little bit mixed up somehow… WIND I am be-wildered WOODY Yes Yes… bewildered- The Druids are the tribe he’s from… Must think yir one of them. DAVE A Druid tribe? Never heard of them… Heard of Druid PRIESTS… WIND Yeah, yeah… my family priests, and you Warbles hunters! WOODY I’m sorry Dave- he’s just a bit off- but a nice guy otherwise.. DAVE Yes, but still, how did he know my name? Woodrow Guthrie- Are you putting me on? WOODY No sir not me. I don’t know- Jest some crazy coincidence- DAVE Well, I guess… OK lets get going- my car’s outside… 140. INT CAPSTAN LIVING ROOM DAY Dove and Jeremy are in the living room Dove finishes a plate of food and looks around warily Jeremy sits down at a baby grand piano and starts playing a melancholy tune- Dove rises and stands beside,
where she sees the insides of the piano DOVE An Arpa! It an Arpa! Are you a great spirit too? JEREMY A Great Spirit? Heavens no girl- I’m just a man. Yet you called this an arpa- the Spanish word for harp- So are you Latino? You don’t seem to know much English. DOVE I am from Peese clan- of DRUID tribe… A goddess bring arpa to tribe. We use it to pray to the gods- But then hunters make thing that shoot spears! They go to war- Destroy my tribe! I fraid my family dead! JEREMY Hmm, Yes- an interesting story. Might make a good movie. And you almost sound sincere. So tell me- are you in America legally? DOVE What is Am, Am Amer- JEREMY America! You really are confused aren’t you. Have you been doing those new “psychedelic” drugs? You’re one strange bird, but I like you. And I want to help you love. DOVE DOVE… I am DOVE. 141. INT AUTOMOBILE IN L.A.- 1941 DAY Wind watches in awe from car window at the city EXT CHINOOK HOME DAY They arrive at the Chinook home where GUY CHINOOK (FIRE) and BILLY MAXWELL toss a football. When they get
out of the car, Wind races up to Guy and embraces him WIND FIRE! FIRE! My brother Fire! You still live! Thank God! Guy gets a funny look on his face and gently pushes him away GUY Hi Dad. Is this guy some kind of relative or something? DAVE He’s one of Woody’s hobo friends. They just came in on a train… WOODY steps in between them WOODY You gotta forgive my friend here Guy. He’s a Canadian Indian and a little bit, ah- bewildered! Woody puts his arm around Wind and steers him away WIND But that is Fire… my brother Fire! WOODY No Wind- that’s Dave’s son Guy. Guy Chinook. Come on now… let’s go inside- DAVE Yes Yes- this way. Say Woody- Did I tell you that Guy and Billy are co-captains at UCLA? The big game with USC is this weekend… Ever seen a college game? It’s really something- I’ll tell you! 142. WOODY No, never bin to no college game- Heard they draw some big crowds… They leave the yard and go into the house BILLY What’s that all about? Calling you his brother… Think he’s a Delta from another chapter or something? GUY I don’t know. Maybe the guy’s some kind of queer… INT CAPSTAN HOME DAY While Jeremy Capstan talks to the executives at Empire records, Dove experiments with a harp in the background JEREMY Yes, Yes… The connection’s just as clear! Listen Brian… I met this young girl I saw on the telly here… Well… it seems she ran out into traffic- and caused a rather large smash on the Golden Gate- Yes- well, now the police are looking for her… Somehow she turned up here. Yes- here! She’s a bit confused as to who she is and where she’s from… But my god- Can she play the harp! I’m keeping her here until things settle down- Yes, Yes I know it may not be wise… I just want to help her before the bobbies get involved- They all carry large handguns here! Yes- Exactly! Like the cowboys- I fear the poor bird will get hurt. I’ll tell them she’s my sister- Then she’ll be in my custody- So I want you to back me up if the inquiry goes that far. (MORE) 143. JEREMY (CONT’D) OK? Thanks so much Brian! I’ll ring if anything happens. Cheerio! He walks over to Dove who quits playing- JEREMY So my sweet little Dove, How do you like the harp? DOVE This good arpa. Many strings! But not like one Goddess bring. JEREMY Well, I’m afraid I’m no Goddess. That’s one of the finest harps money can buy. Your music… It sounds so sad… melancholy… What’s wrong, my sweet? He takes her chin in his hand, and she turns her head aside DOVE I miss my family and tribe. and tribe- Boy I love is dead- May be all dead now… JEREMY Well, don’t worry. We’ll find them. I’m going to make some phone calls, and get you out of this mess. DOVE Thank you Jerry- my. You good man. I can tell… Dove plays the harp again, as Jeremy then turns on a radio- Dove tilts her head in wonder- The song “Dead Man’s Curve” fades out, and a disk jockey
babbles on Hey, Fast Chuck Cash here, with smash hits that never crash! INT RADIO STUDIO DAY The disk jockey, in sunglasses speaks into a microphone 144. Speaking of crash, how bout that big fender bender yesterday? The cops are still looking for that trippy girl who tripped the traffic big time. If you’re listening honey, This one’s for you: INT CAPSTAN HOME DAY We hear the first verse of “Yesterday” by the Beatles, Jeremy clicks off the radio JEREMY Verrry funny, Mr. Cash! INT ANOTHER RADIO STUDIO -1941 NIGHT LEFTY LOU speaks into an old ribbon microphone LEFTY Good evening Los Angeles and all of Southern California! This is your old buddy Lefty Lou on KFVD, radio 850- broadcasting from high above the Pacific Motion Picture Theatre, on beautiful Hollywood Boulevard! Woody stands by another mike, as Wind and Dave Chinook watch through a glass window- A small audience applauds LEFTY Now folks, as you know, ole Lefty just loves to bring you the finest in hill country Singers- “The Best in the West” as we say, and tonight, we have MY favorite singer and songwriter… A man who’s no stranger here - Woody Guthrie! INT CHINOOK HOME NIGHT Mrs. Chinook, Guy and Billy listen to an old upright radio 145. LEFTY Tonight Woody has a new song Can you tell us something about it, Woody? WOODY You bet, Lefty! This is a song I wrote ‘cause I got tired a hearing Kate Smith singin’ “God Bless America”, and I figure America jest needs another one! So I call this one ’This Land is Your Land’ INT THE STUDIO NIGHT Wind watches in awe as Woody sings, This land is your land, this land is my land, From California to the New York Island From the redwood forest, to the Gulf stream water, this land was made for you and me As the song progresses, there are cutaway shots of people from differing ethnic backgrounds and social classes
listening to the radio: Movie stars by a pool, Mexican migrant workers, an Asian bar keeper- Then a solitary man with a guitar walks across a landscape As I went walking that ribbon of highway, I saw above me that endless skyway, I saw below me that golden valley, This land was made for you and me INT TRUCK CAB- The man strums for the driver DAY I roamed and rambled and followed my footsteps, to the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts, As all around me, the voice was chanting, This land was made for you and me INT RADIO STUDIO NIGHT There was a big high wall there, that tried to stop me, The sign was painted, said ‘Private Property’- But on the back side, it didn’t say nothing, This land was made for you and me 146. LEFTY LOU laughs and shakes his head (A series of short shots follow- the length of each comma) When the sun comes shining, and I was strolling, and the wheat fields waving, And the dust clouds rolling, and the voice was chanting, as the fog was lifting, This land was made for you and me… INT STUDIO AGAIN NIGHT This land is your land, this land is my land, From California to the New York Island From the redwood forest, to the Gulf stream water, this land was made for you and me CLOSE UP OF WOODY’S GUITAR AND HAND PICKING THE STRINGS CROSS FADES WITH AUDIO TO DOVE’S HANDS ON HARP INT CAPSTAN HOME NIGHT Dove is playing the harp on television- Jeremy and Dove watch the news report with the same reporter REPORTER Psychological tests determined the woman mentally incompetent. She’s apparently here in the U.S. traveling with her brother- No charges will be filed against Dove- who wandered off and became disoriented on the Golden Gate bridge. Her brother Jeremy Capstan, of London-based EMPIRE RECORDS is here looking for musical talent. Oddly, despite her mental impairment, Dove is an excellent harpist This is Diane Lawyer-Trabajo for 3 Eyewitness News- On the television Doves hands on the harp DISSOLVE TO: INT PACIFIC MOVIE THEATRE DAY Harpo Marx hands on a harp as he plays onscreen Wind, Woody and Dave watch the Marx Brother’s “Duck Soup” Wind is excited 147. WIND That what angel have! Same thing! Is this man a god? Others seated there shush at Wind EXT PACIFIC MOVIE THEATRE DAY As they leave the theatre, Wind wants to know if there is a way to meet this man who plays like the goddess WOODY Well, this is the town where they make their movies. Maybe they heard of me, or maybe Dave can pull some strings- What ya think Dave? Any way our friend can meet the Marx brothers? DAVE I don’t know Woody- I like Wind, but they’re bound to think … Oh, alright- I’ll make some calls and see what I can do… EXT MOVIE STUDIO GATE DAY The men arrive at the movie studio- A guard checks his list GUARD Guthrie… Guthrie. Yes here it is. Here to see the MARX BROTHERS. They’re at a photo shoot at the promotions office.. Down on your right- building “C” And I just gotta say Mr. Guthrie… I sure like your music. I heard that new song the other night- It was real good! WOODY Well Sir- Glad you like it… The men arrive where the Marx Brothers pose for stills PHOTOGRAPHER OK.. I have to re-load. Take a few beats everybody.. 148. Woody introduces himself and Wind WOODY Hi boys! I’m Woody Guthrie- I sometimes sing on the radio This is my friend Wind, who went a little crazy when he saw Mr. Harpo playing harp in “Duck Soup” WIND You play like angel who visit my tribe! I wonder- are you a god? Did angel bring this harp Can you tell me why I here? HARPO just grins and shrugs GROUCHO Tell you why you are here? Is Harpo a god? You boys putting us on? How did you get in here? WOODY You’ll have to excuse my friend WIND here- He’s a Canadian Indian, just off the reservation- and a little bit slow I’m afraid. GROUCHO You’re afraid? I’m afraid… When our fans start to think of us as gods, they’ll be lining up to get their teeth fixed or something. ZEPPO I canna tell you why he’s here… You just said he hadda reservation… WIND I thought you big- like at moo-vie. Now I see you same size as other men… GROUCHO Well, maybe you want “King Kong”… I don’t think he plays harp though. He’d probably think you’re here for breakfast. Not to eat breakfast, but to BE breakfast… 149. PHOTOGRAPHER OK boys… we’re ready here now… GROUCHO Well gentlemen- We’ll have to discuss the meaning of life some other time, The photographer wants some pictures of the Gods. They watch as the Marx Brothers pose around a huge hash pipe GROUCHO (TO HARPO) Well, you’re looking good… HARPO Comme ‘d habitude (“as usual“) The photographer’s flash bulb pops and the Marx Brothers freeze in black and white- DISSOLVE TO: INT CAPSTAN HOME DAY A poster of the Marx Brother’s photo appears on the wall Jeremy Capstan is again on the phone JEREMY Yes, I’m a talent scout. But I don’t set up auditions- Look… I go to clubs and concerts To see groups. I can’t see every garage band out there. If you get a club date, THEN call me- Yes, well, I’m sorry. Goodbye. Dove sadly looks out a window as she sits on the couch JEREMY You look so sad Dove. Is there anything I can do? DOVE No. No thing anyone can do. You know, it like my father say it be one day. You live in huts of glory- safe and warm. Fire that gives light burns at your wish. (MORE) 150. DOVE(CONT’D) Big Bird People soar like eagles! And no tribes fight each other… But not worth any thing to me. I wonder why I here… JEREMY I can’ answer that, my sweet. Just know that you are safe now. But I’m afraid that tribes still Do fight each other. Big, big tribes- called countries. Right now many young men from this land are fighting others in a faraway place, Much of the music today is about that- It seems that fighting will always be with us. She leans against him, he puts his arm around her and kisses her hair- He glances out the window where people
approach JEREMY Oh no. Not more musicians! He answers the door. The leader of another group speaks (Horatio Sans type) HUGH DIGGIT Mr. Capstan, I’m Hugh Diggit, lead guitar for “TRANSITION“. We saw on TV about your sister, and hear you’re scouting for talent. JEREMY Hmm …“TRANSITION” huh? Yes, I’ve heard of you- I believe the review said that you ‘put a harder edge on current pop’ HUGH DIGGIT Yeah- Well we thought maybe you’d like to kill two birds with one stone- Put Dove into an act… after all the PR she’s gotten- (MORE) 151. We’re playing at Club Bossinova, and the boys have rigged a harp with some electric pick-ups. It might be interesting if she jams with us- see how it sounds- Strike while the iron’s hot! and she’s in the collective Consciousness- Can you dig it? EXT LOS ANGELES COLISEUM DAY Wind, Woody and Dave arrive at the football game They get out of the car and walk toward the stadium. DAVE I can’t believe traffic was so backed up on Hoover.. Hope we didn’t miss the kickoff. Well, there it is Woody. The big stadium they built for the Olympics- The Coliseum! WIND The Col- Col- Coliseum? Oh no. No! I no go! WOODY Well, Fir gosh sakes Wind. What’s the matter now? WIND People fight there- kill each other! Lions there! DAVE Now Wind, Nobody’s going to fight and kill each other! There are NO lions! Maybe you’re thinking of the ROMAN Coliseum- We’re here to see men play a game- that’s all. No one will get hurt. (aside to Woody)- He must’a seen a flik about gladiators or something… WOODY He’s right Wind- May not be the most civil thing, but thar’s no killing. Trust me. 152. They enter the stadium through a ramp, and find their seats WOODY Say, these are good seats- near the field! DAVE And near the fifty yard line too! You bet they gave their star quarterback good seats for his old man and his friends! USC kicks off to UCLA and the crowd cheers The crowd chants: “It’s blood! It’s blood, It’s blood that makes the grass grow!” DAVE Here we go on offense! Guy is quarterback- and Billy’s tailback. They’ve already broken almost every record in the book- with this game still to go. The marching bands play their fight songs Guy and Billy Maxwell lead a drive for several plays toward the goal line- Wind sees TOMMY TROJAN and cringes WIND You sure that man on horse No kill anyone with his sword? DAVE What? Nah- that sword’s not real. It’s wood or cardboard. Nearing the goal line, Guy hands the ball to Billy who is sandwiched by two other players- He lies on the ground, motionless- Guy shakes him and asks if he’s
okay. The coach and doctor show up. They get little response from Billy who is finally carried off on a stretcher The loudspeaker announces: That was Billy Maxwell being carried off the field. Looks like he’s finished for the day- A tough break on the last day of his college career- 153. DAVE I’m going down to the locker room to check on Billy He departs- WOODY Come on Wind- This ain’t my idea of a good time anymore. Lets you and me go see a movie. DISSOLVE: Pep band tuba player to Dove with harp INT CLUB BOSINOVA DAY Dove is trying out the electric harp After her introduction to a song, the rest of TRANSITION jams- the noise upsets DOVE who stops and runs to
Jeremy DOVE I can no play music of goddess in this noise! The bandleader is offended HUGH DIGGIT Noise?! JEREMY I’m sorry Dove. What’s noise to some is a hit record to others, But I don’t think what I’ve heard is a hit record either! INT MOVIE THEATRE DAY Woody and Wind watch the panoramic shot of the wounded at the Tara Plantation, WIND It very much like that in that war! Woody looks puzzled INT A LOCAL NIGHTCLUB NIGHT Jeremy and Dove enter and find a table 154. JEREMY It’s ironic I suppose… Coming all the way to America looking for talent, and now I’m here to watch a Scottish singer. Dove is awed by the surroundings and doesn’t notice when a solitary male singer takes the stage and
begins to play Dove turns and sees that it is Sun- now IAN SYLVAN - a rising folk singer playing small venues around San
Francisco He sings: “CATCH THE WIND” BY DONOVAN In the chilly hours and minutes… of uncertainty I want to be- In the warm hold of your love and mine. Dove takes a closer look unable to believe her eyes To feel you all around me, and to take your hand- along the sand Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind She gets up out of her seat while Jeremy isn’t paying attention and starts toward the stage calling
out “Sun… Sun” When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide awhile, behind your smile And everywhere I’d look your eyes I’d find… For me to love you now, would be the sweetest Thing-‘Twould make me sing… Ah but I may as well try and catch the wind… He notices her approaching the stage as a security guard grabs for her and Jeremy comes and takes her back
to the table DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE, Dee da da, dee dee dee She sits back down and then notices all the others watching- Girl groupies watch and sway, bikers drink and
fuss When rain has hung the leaves with tears I want you near, to kill my fear To help me leave all my blues behind, Standing in your heart, is where I want to be And I long to be, Ah but I may as well try and catch the wind… 155. DOVE Jeremy- I know him- I know that man.. JEREMY And how is that my love?” DOVE He from my tribe. It my Sun…! JEREMY Your Son? Why he’s as old as you! No no, love. That’s Ian Sylvan- He’s from Scotland… I’m here to talk to him about signing with Empire We’ll meet him after- but please don’t say anything about your ‘tribe’ INT BACKSTAGE NIGHT After the show, they go to talk with Sylvan but are shut out BODYGUARD I’m sorry but Mr. Sylvan has just signed a lucrative contract with Thatco records. So he‘s no longer in need of your services- JEREMY Well, wasn’t THAT rude of them. They see IAN talking sign language with a young girl- She is Ian’s sister Jenny- deaf from birth DOVE Why they do those strange things? JEREMY She’s obviously deaf, my love. She can’t hear anything… DOVE May be I can help. You think you can get HER to your hut? 156. INT CHINOOK HOME DAY Woody and Wind arrive- Everyone is gathered around the radio DAVE Hi guys. Say, how’s the room I got for you? WOODY It’s just fine Dave. Right in the heart of Hollywood! They see Billy in a wheelchair and body cast WOODY How’s young Billy? Dave pulls Woody aside DAVE It doesn’t look good. His spine’s messed up real bad- the doctors say he may never walk again… Please don‘t say anything- they haven‘t told him yet Guy comes over and shakes their hands GUY Guess you heard about the attack… Roosevelt’s coming on now… WOODY We sure did! Damn little fascists! MRS. CHINOOK Sssshhh! We can’t hear! Franklin Roosevelt comes on with his address to Congress- It is 12/8/1941- The United States declares war
on Japan The others react as they listen to the news- GUY Well that does it for me! I’m not going back to school next semester. When classes end this term- I’m signing up! Navy probably… 157. MRS. CHINOOK Please Guy… don’t be hasty. You’ve only one semester until graduation- think about that… DAVE Now Millie, if the boy feels An obligation to his nation, his parents shouldn’t stand in his way. It’s your call Guy- BILLY I’m signin’ up too! Soon as I’m out of this chair! Dave and Woody exchange looks INT CAPSTAN HOME DAY A party is in progress- Dove, Jeremy and a bunch of hippies HIPPY GIRL Hi DOVE. I just had to tell you that because of you I call myself “SWAN“. Hope you don’t mind… JEREMY Well there’s a lot of birds in the sky… Swan moves on. Jeremy is irritated. JEREMY Since you began your healings this place has become a perpetual party- I’m getting a bit tired of it… DOVE I tired too. With this… crowd here, I no get right feel. healings not as good! Jeremy chases the guests out the door 158. JEREMY Alright everyone- listen please! Dove and I are worn to a frazzle- I’m going to have to ask you all to leave for now… That’s right… out the door please! …We need some rest now… The people leave and they are alone DOVE I have some thing to tell you Jeremy… JEREMY Yes love… what’s on your mind? DOVE I think I am… with child… JEREMY What? You mean pregnant?! Well then, who’s the father? DOVE It man from tribe- But I with two of them, and now I no know who is father… INT WOODY’S AND WIND’S ROOM IN HOLLYWOOD DAY WIND Woody- I wonder if I should go fight too. What YOU do? WOODY Well, I’m probably gonna take Some time to see how it all goes- But, the way I see it… fascists like Hitler, and Tojo won’t stop until we’re all slaves They want world dominion! WIND Dom.. Dominion? What is that? 159. WOODY That’s when they’ll control everybody- the whole world! WIND Yeah… I know people like that. WOODY Say, you always ask about God- maybe you should talk about it with a preacher. INT CHEROKEE CHURCH DAY Wind talks with a priest in church PRIEST These are hard questions my son Jesus was a man of peace. Yet he also said he was here to take peace from the world… I can‘t recommend that any man go to war- it seems a tradition mankind just can’t get over. Scripture says that he who lives by the sword will die by it. But now we fight after being attacked… You must ask yourself- is this war is really any of your business? Have you a real conviction, or are you just following your brother? If that’s the case, I’d stay as far away from this Conflict as I could. WIND Someone else tell me same thing when I get here. When WIND leaves, the priest emerges from the confessional It is again the Apostle Peter PETER Dear God, what do I tell these men so full of questions? And why do I keep seeing this man -on HIS strange journey? 160. INT CHINOOK HOME DAY The family sits at a table finishing a big Christmas meal- Wind and Woody are there GUY Yep- signed me right up. After basic training, I’ll be stationed on the U.S.S. Indianapolis- sailing the Pacific in a real battleship… I report back tomorrow… His mother dabs at her eyes BILLY MAXWELL IT’S OVER! ITS OVER! Chinook’s in the war.. tell the Japs- It’s over! INT PACIFIC MOVIE THEATRE DAY Wind is dressed as an usher. He stands watching a newsreel of Eddie Cantor singing a stirring version of “Over
There” as he launches a ship- The HEAD USHER shows up, quiets some kids- then pulls Wind aside. HEAD USHER I know you’re new, but if the guests talk or fuss, you MUST speak to them- It‘s your job! He leaves Wind again and talks to the manger HEAD USHER This guy seems really dull. I don’t think he’ll work out. MANAGER I’m afraid he’ll have to. He’s permanent- Chinook hired him- says to be extra patient with him. The guy’s slow, or something… Wind stares at the “Wizard of Oz”- The other usher comes up: |
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