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95. INT BACK AT THE ADMIRAL BENBOW INN NIGHT Later that night Judith sings the final number at the inn “Londonderry
Air” (Danny Boy)-Mellow harp accompaniment She directs her emotion in Wind’s direction “Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side, The summers gone, and all the roses calling Tis you, tis you must go while I abide” Looking tipsy again, Wind now declines an offer of ale “But come ye back, when summer’s in the meadow Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow And I’ll be there, in sunshine or in shadow Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so” The owner rings the ship’s bell at the bar OWNER Finish yir drinks mates. The Admiral Benbow’s closin for the night! EXT CANTEBURY ESTATE DAY The following day, Judith, Garrand and Wind arrive at the CANTERBURY
ESTATE in a horse drawn cart A butler leads them to a room where DOM, now THE DUKE OF CANTERBURY
plays a harpsichord- intro to “BECAUSE” Judith embraces and kisses Dom when he finishes JUDITH My hasn’t our good Duke mastered his keyboard quickly…! M’lord- May I introduce John Maybury, of His Majesty’s
Valiant Plymouth! -although he calls himself Wind… Wind, the Royal Duke Of Canterbury. DOM Wind?- You call yourself Wind? And that would be… because…? 96. JUDITH Well, it seems that, after some sea battle, our friend- Wind here, was plucked from the briny deep- and then pronounced ‘BEWIDERED’ Wind sensing trouble stammers along with the word: WIND BE- WILDERED! DOM (laughs) Bewildered!? Oh really! And you say he says he’s from the Valiant Plymouth? Well, sir, I believe your vessel is due to leave port again very soon, is it not?” WIND It is gone.. DOM What…? WIND It sail away DOM Well then… aren’t you supposed to be on it? WIND I am be- wild-ered… He is called aside by Garrand who stands by a globe GARRAND Uh… Wind, perhaps you can show me about where your ship sank? DOM (To Judith) Judith really! Where do you find these tag- a-longs? (MORE) 97. DOM (CONT’D) That man’s no more a sailor than Garrand here! Does the poor chap ever change his clothes? So tell me Darling- just where did you meet this raggedy man… and what is his REAL name again? PAMELA His name is John, but he goes by “Wind” DOM (Waving his hand in front of his face): Well, it seems as if he’s just broken some A maid brings refreshments, turns and leaves JUDITH Oh maid… Is it not proper etiquette to curtsy before leaving…? GARRAND Judith… really! Must you be so curt with the indentured help? DOM No, no. She’s absolutely right! And I expect my lady to be able to handle the servants correctly… Wind looks wary of how Judith is behaving DOM Come outside everyone. I have some vintage weapons we can play with. GARRAND The Duke has charge of the king‘s arsenal… And… It’s his hobby of sorts… DOM (To Garrand) I just acquired this rare French sabre… Just look at the workmanship… 98. Dom and Garrand leave Judith and Wind alone WIND Judith- Which is man you love? JUDITH Well I love them both- but I’m betrothed to the duke WIND (confused) What? JUDITH The Duke and I are to be married… He is to be my husband! WIND No, No- you can no be with this man! JUDITH Well… why not? You yourself were Out there sleeping in a gutter, weren’t you? So you see Mr. Wind- we’re really not that different- We’re both just a couple of vagabonds in this cruel world… But a girl like me must be concerned about who can provide a better life for her- While she still has her… charms The Duke can give me a better life.. Garrand‘s world often seems only a stage on which I perform… It’s up to me to see that my life is more of a comedy than a tragedy EXT CANTERBURY ESTATE TARGET RANGE DAY Judith and Wind arrive where Dom has various weapons Dom shows Wind a crossbow and loads an arrow onto it DOM This antique’s only for sport- Go for that tree Maybury- He has Wind fire the weapon and he barely hit’s a large tree 99. EXT NEW ROAM MEN CAMP DAY At the new camp, the hunters gather all the pet cats for more strings. Dee takes Moth’s cat- he cries and follows Dee until he gets pushed aside DEE (to Labah) Wooman- control your son! LABAH How you take little boy’s precious cat! What happening to you hunters! Moth‘s cat is put it in a cage on a cart with others The spy from the other tribe watches with interest from the woods- then turns and leaves EXT CANTERBURY ESTATES SAME DAY The Duke takes the crossbow from Wind and reloads In the background the butler confronts with a young beggar DOM Kerrington! What’s all this fuss? BUTLER This precocious lad wants some kind of handout. Dom tosses an apple over to the butler DOM Young man! You can have this apple -and perhaps a shilling as well… THE BOY (Moth) An ow’s that M’lord? CUT TO: CLOSE UP OF THE BOY WITH AN APPLE ON HIS HEAD His face is full of nervous fear CUT BACK TO THE OTHERS Judith and Garrand are talking again about the possible pregnancy- Wind is anxious about the boy 100. Judith I’m still curious- just what WILL you do if she’s pregnant with your little William? GARRAND Never mind Judith! Just drop it. I‘ll only worry if it happens… DOM You’ve a son on the way? A little Sir William..? Do tell… Dom raises the crossbow and fires it toward the boy EXT NEW ROAM MEN CAMP NIGHT The families are around the campfire- Moth’s cat and the others are caged on the cart- Moth begins to dream In his dream Moth is watching the men at target practice Hun stands next to Dom- Moth waves and calls at them and they turn to look in his direction Dom reaches into his quiver and takes an arrow, He points it at Moth and lets it fly POV : MOTH- The arrow approaches in slow motion CUT TO: arrow split’s the apple and imbeds in the tree With a swoosh of the arrow, and vibrates at impact- Moth startles awake, and Labah comforts him, he looks over at Dom talking to Dee- Dom gazes back, and he quickly hides under his cover He looks at his kitty again and lays his head down again EXT CANTEBURY ESTATE SAME DAY The young lad at the Estate takes a nervous gulp, then approaches the others, with two halves of an apple. Dom takes them and gives Wind and Garrand each a half DOM There we are gentlemen. Split right in the middle… Judith Oh Duke… really! Always showing off! 101. Judith laughs and Wind is disturbed by her casual attitude, WIND (thinking) This can no be my Juda… She only look like her- The Butler appears again KERRINGTON Your Lordship, the wagon and provisions are ready… You may leave whenever you please. DOM Well, we please now! Come my friends- we must journey to the monument this evening- For tomorrow is Midsummer’s Day- and the day appointed to its’ purpose EXT NEW ROAM MEN CAMP NIGHT Back at the Druid camp, Moth sleeps again by the dying campfire light, and everyone’s asleep- The Angel awakens him by playing the harp to stir the wind in the trees and fallen leaves on the ground around him MUSICAL TRACK: MIDSUMMER NIGHT‘S DREAM INTERMEZZO Moth awakens again as the wind stirs the leaves around him He rubs his eyes and looks toward the cat wagon He sees that the guards are asleep, hesitates, and then quietly gets up and sets the cats free from their cages He hugs his own cat and then shoos them all off The guards awake and frantically try to round up the cats, as little Moth snuggles in his bed again and smiles EXT ANOTHER TRIBAL CAMP DAY The bow thief shows the new weapon to another tribe BOW THIEF This what Druids attack us with… They shoot at a target and are impressed when the warrior hit’s a tree- They inspect the bow 102. BOW THIEF String come from cats- The others react- “Hmmm…” BOW THIEF Druids attack us- with no warning… kill every body! Your tribe may be next- Our tribes need join together- Stop Druids! EXT STONEHENGE MONUMENT NIGHT Wind is asleep with the others beside a dying campfire - he dreams again and sees Fire running towards him AUDIO-INTERMEZZO THEME REPEATS FIRE We should kill only warriors… There is another swoosh and he falls into Wind’s arms with another arrow is in his back Wind’s cry becomes a rooster crowing as he startles awake It is now getting light, and near sunrise EXT STONEHENGE MONUMENT SUNRISE The party watches the sun rise at STONEHENGE on Midsummer’s day- Wind then recognizes the stone as the sun rises over it DOM From the middle here, The sun rises right over that stone every Midsummer’s Day. It’s a marking of some kind- Like a giant sundial! WIND (Thinking) This LOOK like our rock- But where is forest? And all these other rocks! No… This not our camp… They all then wander through the stones and wonder 103. DOM It doesn’t really have a name. Some call them the Hanging stones. I think it was probably a fort of some kind… long ago… GARRAND Hmm. A fort… a round fort- I know! I shall call it “Fort Around“! AUDIO: “BECAUSE” by the Beatles Judith flirts with all three as the audio track plays And they run playing tag and fencing with sticks among the stones- Dom is wary of Wind’s interest in Judith. They all fall asleep among the stones after a picnic dinner EXT THE OTHER TRIBAL CAMP DAY The Druid warriors attack the village where the bow thief spoke, now with flaming arrows and burn it Some Druids slay the other tribe without mercy As the battle concludes, the bow thief sneaks up and shoots Fire in the back- as he complains to Dom FIRE We should kill only warriors… Fire falls dead into Dom‘s arms, EXT STONEHENGE MONUMENT DUSK Wind re-inspects the big rock. As he returns to the others- Dom jokes around wearing the executioner’s mask JUDITH Oh Duke, really! Take off that horrible mask! DOM I’m only joking Judith! But you do know about my other duties for the king, Don’t you? JUDITH Yes- but I try not to think about them! 104. Garrand shoots a pistol at a target, Wind winces at the sound, and Dom goes to give him advice Wind tries to convince Judith she must not marry the Duke. WIND He kill other people! I see him chop head off wooman- King’s wooman- he murder her! NO… NO I know the Duke performs some unpleasant duties for His Majesty… But kill the queen? How could you have seen such a thing?! WIND I there… locked in Tower… Tower of London! JUDITH Oh… my… a PRISONER? WIND Yeah. I see him- Many people see! JUDITH Oh how dreadful! WIND Come with me Jud-ith! We go someplace far. I make you happy… Wind again tries to kiss Judith just as Dom arrives l He flees when Dom pulls out the flintlock, but Dom shoots him in the back- He cringes against one of the stones EXT GETTYSBURG BATTLEGROUND DUSK Wind suddenly awakens in the American Civil War during the battle of Gettysburg- cringing against a stonewall Confederate forces advance toward Wind and the union lines amid gunfire and shouting Cannons roar and infantrymen frantically reload muskets. Mounted Calvary swing swords- their startled horses rear up Wind has a musket but doesn’t know how to use it A sergeant screams at him to fire his weapon 105. He pulls the trigger but wildly misses everything An enemy soldier reaches the line and plunges at him with a bayonet- Wind jumps aside and then clubs him with the musket A bugle sounds and the confederates run in retreat As the battle ends there are wounded and dead strewn about Wisps of smoke linger across the battlefield Although disoriented, Wind remains undetected, He is dressed in the same uniform as the others He is shocked by the scope of the carnage all about him- Wounded men are being sporadically attended to and crying out for help as other soldiers repair and load their weapons A Sergeant tells them what to expect in the next encounter SERGEANT We lost some men in that surge, but we gained some muskets- Keep ‘em packed… and be ready! Wind talks with another union soldier WIND Where are we? What is this place? UNION SOLDIER What’s wrong boy? You confused? WIND I am be-wil-dered. UNION SOLDIER Well yir at Gettysburg now soldier! An you better get hold ‘a yirself! Them rebs could come agin any time An artist for the magazine Harper’s Weekly arrives- (Sun again, now reporter NOAH GREELEY) He has a long beard, and once more he doesn’t know WIND WIND Sun… Sun … Is that you? GREELEY Who? Do you think I‘m someone else? The name’s Greeley- Noah Greeley- I’m a reporter for Harper’s Weekly- Just want to ask a few questions… OK? 106. UNION SOLDIER A magazine reporter? Here? GREELEY Yeah, fraid so. Just doing my job soldier- like you… Say, where you boys from? WIND Last place I at they call Eng… England… UNION SOLDIER You from England? They on our side? Greeley just looks perplexed and turns to the other soldier GREELEY How do you think the battle’s going? Have you confidence in your officers? UNION SOLDIER Well sure mister…’Old Snapping Turtle’ hisself comes around after every surge. Spect he’ll be along soon- you wait and see! GREELEY (writing in tablet) Old Snapping Turtle? UNION SOLDIER Yeah… Meade… General George Meade … WIND Meade? MEADE alive?! HERE? UNION SOLDIER Well he was alive this morning… And here he come now, Jes like I told ya! The sergeant comes along the line, Greeley leaves quickly SERGEANT Alright men. Line up for inspection and role call…
107. The soldiers line up for inspection, all ages and in various states of disarray- Wind follows the others General George Meade rides past inspecting the troops astride his horse- It is our man Dom again WIND (mutters) Not Meade… It Dom again… Another officer rides beside the general OFFICER They look a bit beat up now Sir, But they’re ready to drive the rebels back again- you can bet on that! A snare drummer next to Wind then cuts loose with a sudden burst of drumming It makes Wind jump, as the colors are struck and the men stand at attention Wind is confused and another soldier shows him what to do As General Meade (DOM) stops and chides the sergeant about Wind’s appearance and stature during attention DOM I don’t care if we’ve been in battle sergeant- Your men will show our flag the proper respect The sergeant answers for Wind: SERGEANT I think this one has some shell shock Sir. WIND I am be-wild- ered When the general leaves, the sergeant yells at Wind SERGEANT Oh, so ya think yir bewildered Huh? Well listen up, All of you! I decide who’s bewildered here! As he turns his back, addressing the line: 108. UNION SOLDIER (whispering to Wind) Just say ‘Yes Sir’ and salute… Like this… Wind salutes the sergeant WIND Yes Sir! The men take their positions again- Wind is wary and looking for a away to escape the conflict EXT GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD NIGHT The men are resting but still in position WIND They surge again at night? UNION SOLDIER Never kin tell! Jes be ready! A soldier next to Wind pulls out a harmonica and begins to play a few strains of “500 Miles Away from Home” Another starts to sing the words, a few men gather round, If you miss the train I’m on, Then you’ll know that I am gone, You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles… A hundred miles, You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles… The Sergeant comes down the battle line and sternly orders them to stop SERGEANT Quiet! I want it quiet here- This ain’t no time for singin! Wind lays down to rest again- DISSOLVE TO: Wind is nodding off when shots ring out He startles awake as the other soldier shoots his musket WIND Wha…? What happening! 109. Shouts of “Hold your fire, Hold your fire!” echo down the line UNION SOLDIER Guess someone thought they saw some rebs. Maybe they’s jest dreaming bout them… He turns to Wind, who is not there CUT TO: Wind slips away from the battle line and into the dark woods EXT CLEARING IN THE WOODS AT GETTYSBURG THAT NIGHT Wind wanders in the woods and comes to a clearing. It is dark and foggy- In the distance a garrison of soldiers assembles around campfires, preparing for battle WIND (thinking) I so thirsty! May be those men have water- May be not soldiers- Wind approaches them and the sentries fire upon him We then hear a soldier behind him as he flees Someone in the woods Sir. - wearing a Union coat! Wind removes his coat in the dark woods CUT TO: EXT GETTYSBURG ROAD NIGHT Wind meets up with some wandering refugees, unsure of where he is going. There are both wounded soldiers and civilians They pass an old soldier with a missing leg He sits and blankly stares, playing a strange little tune on the banjo (FAY again from earlier) Wind approaches and asks him where he can find some water The old man keeps playing the same ditty, and replies: OLD SOLDIER (FAY) What’s that captain? Water? Well, ya got to go down to that river!… You lost, boy? 110. He nods with his head OLD SOLDIER Well, Thar’s the way! Follow them boys… they goin down to Rock creek…. WIND Are they… soldiers? OLD SOLDIER Well hell yes they‘s soldiers! They’s the Great White Army, boy ! He looks Wind over as he plays OLD SOLDIER Say Captain. Looks like you seen some action WIND Yeah- big surge back there. I KILL a man! See many men die! The old soldier stops his playing and says slowly:: Well, You ain’t seen NOTHING yet…. INT ROAM MAN CAMP NIGHT Dove is dreaming- The angel leads her to the Druid altar where Sun plays the HEARPE- (“Catch the Wind“) The angel dissolves and Sun turns to her- She suddenly awakens to Sun’s shaking- He is there and puts his hand over her mouth and shushes her quiet SUN (whispers) I hear Fire dead. We must go now- yeah? She nods and they leave together Outside, they slip away in the night
111. EXT GETTYSBURG ROAD MORNING Wind awakes to sun in his eyes, and asks another refugee: WIND Water… Where some water…? The refugee points at a distant windmill REFUGEE Well, thars a windmill up on that ridge Mister… Wind heads toward it EXT GETTYSBURG WINDMILL SAME DAY A small group gathers near the windmill. A hot air balloon is tethered nearby. As Wind lines up for water, he again meets NOAH GREELEY (Sun), the reporter for Harper’s Weekly GREELEY Say weren’t you with those boys on the Union line yesterday? How on earth did you get here? Well- You didn’t seem to fit in somehow anyway. He then draws Wind some water from a barrel there WIND There no river here! Where does water come from? GREELEY Well, the wind turns the vanes… WIND The wind..? GREELEY Yes- the wind pumps the water from a well underground… haven’t you ever seen a windmill before? Greeley pulls out a sketch he’s working on
112. GREELEY Say, look here: the sketch I’ve been working on- “General Meade inspects his troops” Confederate assemble nearby, and Dee approaches on a horse WAUD Here comes General Pickett… He’s going to lead the charge himself… May be the confederates last chance to take Gettysburg A preacher reads from the bible as the confederate soldiers get ready to attack- (Jeremiah: 50:29-32) WIND What that man saying to them? GREELEY Well the preacher’s reading from the Bible- surely you know what a Bible is… WIND The word of God? GREELEY Yeah, that’s right. The preacher hopes to inspire them for battle- The visual begins on the preacher as he reads the first verse- AUDIO: preacher reads Jeremiah: PREACHER Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, VISUAL CUTS TO : EXT NEW ROAM MEN CAMP DAWN In a series of short takes, the other allied tribes suddenly attack the Druid warriors- They too now have bows and arrows The Druids sustain heavy losses as we hear the verses read 113. PREACHER Camp against it round about; let none escape: Recompense her according to her work; according to all she hath done, do against her: for she hath been proud against the Lord… Therefore shall her young men fall- And her men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the Lord- Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord God- For thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: And I will kindle a fire in his cities, -it shall devour all round about… Chinook is slain- Judah is killed in the attack, the baby is taken- The Druid warriors flee, Dom and Dee among them The new camp is left in ruins and chaos CUT BACK TO CIVIL WAR: EXT GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD WINDMILL DAY The preacher finishes his verse- The soldiers cheer Horace Greeley has arranged to view the encounter from a hot air observation balloon GREELEY Say there, why don’t you come with me in the baloon- We’ll have a bird’s eye view- He takes Wind over to the balloon- Wind obviously doesn’t know what he’s getting into GREELEY That’s right… Just step in… Wind gets in the basket, and when it starts to ascend, He panics and wants to jump down- Greeley grabs him
114. GREELEY No no- You can’t jump now- It’s alright…My first Time was a bit scary too… The bugle blows a charge and the troops are off and yelling as they attack the Union line AUDIO TRACK: “BLOWIN IN THE WIND” GREELEY Well old boy- Don’t you wish you were down there fighting to free the slaves and save the Union? WIND I see all the fighting I want to- I wish I could stop it… From afar they then watch the decisive failed attack by Confederate soldiers under General George Pickett- “Pickett’s Charge”, as Sun coolly narrates the proceedings to a bewildered Wind GREELEY The rebels hope to outflank them But the Vermont Brigades have arrived… I don’t think the rebs can take them… Not with those few horses- We see the attack through long zoom lenses Through a looking glass- Wind sees Dee (Pickett) leading the Confederate attack against Dom (Meade‘s) Union forces WIND They are brothers, Now they fight- You their brother too… Where I am from… GREELEY Eh? Yes, well… we’re really all brothers aren’t we? yet this is how it always is… The balloon breaks it’s tether and drifts toward the fighting- The soldiers on the ground begin to fire on it 115. GREELEY My God… Stay down, stay down! WIND DOWN? HOW?! The balloon catches in a tree, tips over and they plummet POINT OF VIEW: Wind falls out, becomes a bird, and flies- (Soft focus and blurred edges of frame) The bird flies over land, through clouds and then STONEHENGE The POV flips over- flying upside down and then… CUT TO - CLOSE UP WIND: EXT WORLD WAR I BIPLANE DAY WIND emerges in the back seat of a bi-plane doing aerial tricks upside down- He is in the WWI era He wears a leather helmet and goggles His mouth is open wide as he yells EXT WWI AIRPORT DAY The biplane lands and taxis to a hanger where other men are just getting out of other planes Wind is still strapped in and squirms about in a panic, unable to loosen the restraints. The pilot gets out, and removes his own helmet and goggles WIND Ouuuut! Ouuuut! Let me out! PILOT (HUN) What on earth, Maybury? Get out of that cockpit! We have to file our report. The other pilots and crewmen approach as Wind still struggles in a panic WIND Ouuut! I can’t get out! HUN Now see here… ! PILOT 2 What’s Maybury up to now? Is he joking? |
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