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![]() TheHearpe.com part 6 |
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HUN He’d better not be… This war is certainly no joke! Now Corporal… THAT’S ENOUGH! Get out of that airplane! WIND (still squirming) Ouuut! I can’t get ouuut! PILOT 2 For god’s sake- let’s get him out then! I think he’s really in a panic… They unbuckle him and Wind bolts out of the plane HUN What on earth is the matter corporal? You act as if you’ve never flown in your life! Wind now sees that the pilot is Hun WIND (stammers) HUN- it is you! HUN! HUN HUN? (turns to others) Has this lad gone daft? WIND HUN… you know me- I am WIND! HUN Now see here Corporal … I am Leftenent Peter Remington, of the Royal Air Force, and this best not be some kind of joke you’re playing! Another crew arrives and asks the other pilot already there what all the commotion is about PILOT 3 What’s going on here? 117. PILOT 2 It seems the corporal has lost his wits, and is calling Remington a Hun! CUT BACK TO WIND AND REMINGTON HUN What’s this nonsense about the wind? You are Corporal John Maybury, We’ve flown together countless times… and now you accuse me of being a Hun? PILOT 2 Young Corporal… have you forgotten that the Hun is presently the enemy of dear old England? WIND He is not ’the salt of the earth? HUN Salt of the Earth? Are you daft lad? They’re bloody savages! PILOT 2 Well Remington, perhaps we should Escort our young corporal to the infirmary- They can calm him down there… Come along then Maybury- EXT DRUID STONEHENGE CAMP DAY The Stonehenge camp is complete to the point of resembling the
monument- Sun and Dove have just finished making love by the altar with the harp- Sun’s friend runs in FRIEND Warriors have returned… Come quickly… SUN Where are the priests? FRIEND They gather berries in forest- You must talk to your brothers… 118. The warriors arrive - AUDIO IS ‘COMMUNICATION’ DRUMBEAT- Sun meets them by the camp entrance and tries to stop them SUN What you want here my brothers? DOM Our parents are dead. Many warriors killed. Our enemies come HERE soon. SUN No- we at PEACE here! You go way! others come be cause of you! Dom kills Sun with a spear and breaks YUDOC’S flute DOM You men stand guard here… We get arpa’s strings and find Dove girl… Kill anyone who gets in way! INT AIRFIELD INFIRMARY DAY Wind awakens in a panic- A Doctor tries to calm him DOCTOR Nurse, more sedative- quickly! NURSE Yes Doctor… DOCTOR I’ve never seen one quite so shook up from a training flight. INT STONEHENGE ALTAR DAY Meanwhile Dove plays the harp pensively, knowing the warriors are coming for the strings- Sun’s friend runs in FRIEND Run Dove! Get out! Warriors are back! They kill Sun! He runs out again- while Dove weeps as she plays. Both she and the harp vanish as the hunters arrive 119. EXT GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE- 1965 DAY Dove is suddenly peering over the edge of the Golden Gate bridge at the ocean below- Her hands are on a huge cable like Harp strings Disoriented and with cars speeding past, she panics and runs out into traffic- A car swerves to avoid her and touches off a chain reaction pileup She runs off the end of the bridge and up the hillside EXT STONEHENGE CAMP Ahman is handed a spear and takes it with regret AHMAN I never take up spear against other men. But now we must go after hunters! My sons dead but I will get Dove back from those animals! They depart looking for the warriors- After they leave, a restless wind blows through the empty camp- There is a sudden lightning storm, and the wooden camp turns to stone piece by piece INT AIRFIELD INFIRMARY DUSK Wind finishes dinner, when Remington (Hun) comes for him Wind drinks his soup right from the bowl in the background HUN Doctor, I have orders to take Corporal Maybury to a briefing- DOCTOR He hasn’t been awake long, And I haven’t had a chance to talk with him, He still seems a bit… bewildered- Is this necessary? HUN They’re orders from Major Warwick, Sir.
120. INT PILOT’S READY ROOM NIGHT Wind and the pilots assemble, to watch a film about the war- He is fascinated by the electric lights WIND (thinking) A room lit up by a fire that no burns out! How great their god! Wind trys to fit in now as they are seated at the front- PILOT 1 Maybury, Old chap! Glad to see you’re feeling better now. WIND I was be-wild-dered, I fine now… PILOT 1 (To the others) My God. The poor fellow still can’t seem to speak proper English though, can he? One officer introduces another: CAPTAIN JACK Right then men! Listen up! Your flight training is almost complete You’ll soon be in France, and it won’t be training there… They’ll be REAL Germans, with live ammunition. Now to give you a better idea about what’s happening there, and for your general information… Major Warwick will show us a short moving picture about modern warfare, and to further explain why we fight- Major Warwick…
121. MAJOR WARWICK Thank you Captain Jack… Now men, as you’ve all heard we are now fighting The War to End All Wars: Never before in history has one one group of nations been so allied against another… the very fate of the world hangs in the balance- The question is simple: Will it be a free world… or one enslaved by the Kaiser? Now you’ve heard about the U-boat dangers, and that the war in France has become a bloody battle in the trenches… So we now have a lot of hope in you fliers: That perhaps your new machines and skills can break the deadlock along the front! I have here a moving picture that demonstrates another new secret weapon being deployed at this very moment Captain, the lights if you please….” The lights go out and a projector lights up a screen. A countdown flashes, and a primitive tank crosses the screen WIND (THINKING) They have an eye that sees other places! WARWICK To break the Hun’s hold, this mobile artillery has been developed by England’s finest engineers. Packing awesome firepower, while protecting its’ crew with armor on all sides… It is called simply: a “tank”- And may God have mercy on those who draw its’ ire! The tank pivots and comes at the camera- Wind panics as it grows on the screen- He yells, and gets out of his seat to move out of the Tank’s way- Remington pulls him back REMINGTON (whispers) My God man, get a hold of yourself.. 122. WARWICK What’s going on? YOU THERE! remain seated! Now then… Here’s some animated drawings of what the chaps in France are facing: An animation depicts the Big Bertha canon WARWICK This is what weapon our boys fear most: The Germans call it “Big Bertha”- A cannon of such proportion it hurls shells thirty miles- with uncanny accuracy .. You fliers are our best hope against Bertha… We hope the bombs you’ll be using can knock her out, or at least slow her down- The animation shows a bi-plane dropping small bombs. The Big Bertha explodes- The men in the room cheer WARWICK This will not be easy- The German’s have planes- and airmen to repel you.. A German plane approaches- the British plane does a loop maneuver- gets behind the German plane- and shoots it down The men cheer again REMINGTON A classic loop maneuver! Good show! Good show! A voice in the back says: “At ‘em boys… Give ‘em the gun! WARWICK We hope it turns out so. That is why your training has been rigorous.. And thorough. Now then, forever clever in the ways of war, the Kaiser has devised the most insidious method of warfare ever known to mankind On the screen are shots of men advancing wearing gas masks- 123. WARWICK Chemical warfare! Germ warfare! Mustard gas! The Kaiser hopes to suck the air out of every Allied lung! And God forbid that these weapons should ever reach dear England! Now as you men are risking your lives I want to show you why… On the screen, a young schoolgirl is fitted with a gasmask She pirouettes about like a model WARWICK This could be your young daughter- or your mother, an Auntie, or uncle At the mercy of the Kaiser’s gas- And so the Royal Air Force has been enlisted to keep the fight far from our shores! And so until we meet again… Good Luck, and God speed! They all sing “God Save the King” while saluting the flag Wind pretends by mumbling some words EXT AIRFIELD DAY Wind and Remington are in the bi-plane- They fly over a target and Wind drops some small bombs on practice targets- He isn’t at all accurate- Remington is perturbed REMINGTON Come on man- more lead time! We can only carry so many… Make them count! When the bombs are spent, they do more aerial maneuvers as Wind yells- When it straightens out Wind looks down and sees STONEHENGE CUT TO: INT PASSENGER PLANE- WORLD WAR II ERA DAY Wind is suddenly peering down through a glass window at the monument. It is quieter and there is no wind rushing past. He is now on a commercial passenger plane- A priest seated next to him reads a Bible
124. PRIEST What’s so interesting down there young man? You’ve been peering out that window ever since we took off. He leans over and looks down PRIEST Stonehenge eh? Interesting place. Know one knows how or why it’s there. I visited once- Not much to see. It’s pretty from up here though. Wind, confused again by the sudden change stammers: WIND It my home- I want to go back, back to my home… PRIEST Dear England is my home too, my son. And I will miss her. (hesitates) Yet we are FORTUNATE- to be on this plane- leaving the horrible war behind us. Coincidentally- I just read this Psalm Wind recognizes that it is the apostle Peter, from the dungeon of the coliseum WIND You! … You are Peter! PRIEST What?… Oh, well, yes, yes. We clergymen like to think we are the cornerstone of the Church- But listen to the Psalm I was just reading… “…and I said, Oh that I had wings of a Dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest…” WIND A Dove?
125. PRIEST Yes young man- the Dove is a symbol of peace. WIND Peese? That is my clan! PRIEST Eh? Your name is Peace? Yes, well… Jesus is known as ”The Prince of Peace” (continuing from the Bible again) “Oh that I had wings of a Dove! For then I would fly away and be at rest… I would hasten my escape- from the windy storm and tempest… He closes his Bible and says: PRIEST My advice to you young man is- when you get to America- STAY THERE! Stay as far from this war as you can The Americans are in it now too… But these are dark days for England. And it’s not safe to be there now- A female flight attendant comes up and says: Is there anything I can get you gentlemen? A pillow or blanket? PRIEST Are their any facilities where I might relieve myself? FLIGHT ATTENDANT Yes, there’s a locker in the back The priest rises PRIEST Who would have ever thought I’d be taking a pee thousands of feet in the air? (he whispers) And yes WIND- you are right. I AM Peter! 126. He leaves- Wind looks around in awe and then at the Bible He picks it up and thumbs through the pages, turning it upside down and all around- He puts it back down and peers out the window again INT THE DOOR OF A TROOP TRANSPORT PLANE DAY Wind is suddenly standing in an open door of a transport plane where a platoon of parachutists exit via a guide wire It is noisy and windy- Wind hesitates screaming before being pushed out by the guy behind him- his chute opens and he floats toward the ground- a soldier near him shouts: Shut up Buddy! You want to alert the enemy? As Wind nears the ground, thirty or forty feet up- CUT TO: INT JEREMY CAPSTAN’S LIVING ROOM DAY CLOSE UP OF TELEVISION as it plays a Hertz commercial- A man descends into his rented automobile While having lunch and speaking on the phone to his record company in London, Jeremy Capstan, (HUN again) a talent scout for Empire records, watches the television- CAMERA DOLLIES BACK- revealing the apartment JEREMY Well yes, I hear you, but speak up a little bit- Yes, it’s certainly a modern world- who could imagine that one day we’d be talking to one another half a world away? Yes, there are still several acts I want to see Yes- the British invasion is bound to swing back the other way Yes. Yes. Yes… I know the kids in England are anxious to see American groups… No, I haven’t signed anyone yet… Right then- I’ll let you know first thing -Cheerio… He hangs up and looks at the telly- where he sees a news report about a strange woman wandering near the Golden Gate
127. TV NEWS REPORTER This is Diane Lawyer-Trabajo for 3 Eyewitness News- with an unusual story of a disoriented hippie woman who caused that massive pileup on the Golden Gate this morning… She’s since been sighted several Times- wandering the adjacent hillsides- in this exclusive Channel 3 film footage, you can see the panicked woman eluding police officers- Later, the frustrated officers only had this to say: COP This just shows that these Hippies are a menace- and the drugs they take need to be controlled. Luckily, there were no fatalities in that wreck But this sure hasn’t made our day! REPORTER Are there any leads as to the identity of this mysterious woman? COP No, but we’ll get her- you can bet on that! REPORTER We’ll have more on this Mystery Woman at five. For 3 Eyewitness news- this is Diane Lawyer-Trabajo at the Golden Gate Bridge- Capstan turns the TV off CAPSTAN Crazy Yanks! EXT OPEN FIELD DAY On the ground, Wind struggles against his parachute Another soldier running past stops to help him get free Wind then runs in the other direction from all the others 128. OTHER SOLDIER Hey! Our rendezvous is this way! Wind throws his helmet down and runs into a nearby woods He comes upon a house with some laundry on a clothes line- He looks down at his military fatigues CUT TO: Wind dressed in civilian clothes EXT RAILROAD YARD NIGHT Wind emerges at a rail yard where he meets a group of hobos They huddle around a fifty gallon drum where a fire burns They drink soup from tin cans BUM #1 Say fella, what you doing out here? Don’t look like no hobo to me… BUM #2 Say, is that a WOMAN’S sweater? You one of them funny fellows? WIND Funny…fellows? BUM#2 Yeah, you know… (Holds up a limp wrist) A sissy boy… WIND No.. I am be-wild-ered. WOODY GUTHRIE Now boys, don’t get particuler… When yir cold on a night like this, a ladies sweater keeps you warm bout the same as a man’s… With the war on, a fella can’t be worryin’ bout what he can git his hands on… WIND Then there still a war?! WOODY Why hell yes there’s a war on! Where have you been hiding? 129. WIND Will soldiers come here… with guns? WOODY Well that could happen, but now it’s mostly on the other side of the world WIND Is that far? The men laugh WOODY Say yir kinda slow ain’tcha? Where bouts you from son? WIND I am from Druid tribe WOODY An Indian? Don’t look much like one- Never heard of the Druid tribe- They in Canada? Anyway, you hungry? We got more soup in the pot. Wind takes a tin can from one of the men WOODY My name’s Woody. This is Willy, and this here’s Cowcatcher… WIND I am Wind… WOODY Wind eh? Well you are an injun then ain’t cha? A scruffy old man emerges, wearing a civil war cap. He babbles as he approaches and stops in front of Wind OLD MAN This ain’t right! Ain’t right! You men should be in formation! WIND (saluting) Yes sir! 130. The others laugh and hand the old man some soup WOODY Well, if it ain’t ole Johnny Reb! Haven’t seen YOU since we caught that rig out of Peoria last summer. Howd’ja do? OLD MAN Still livin’- Where you guys goin? WOODY We’ll this train’s bound for New Orleans in the morning… Then goin west- To Californy. You gonna be with us? OLD MAN Reckon so… winter’s coming on- Californy good as anywhere to stay warm. COWCATCHER Speakin o stayin warn- Lemme sit down here by the fire- WOODY Cowcatcher’s right. We best get some sleep- She’ll be pullin out early I spect… WILLY Say there Woody. How’s about a song afore we nod off? WOODY Well OK- a quick one- Got jes the thing- Call it the “Hobo’s Lullaby” As the men lie down, Woody picks up his guitar and sings-“The Hobo’s Lullaby” “Go to sleep you weary hobos, Let the towns drift slowly by Listen to the steel rails hummin, That’s the hobos lullaby… Do not think about tomorrow, Let tomorrow come and go… Tonight you’ve got a nice warm boxcar Safe from all the wind that blows…” 131. Wind drifts off to asleep- CUT TO: EXT RAILROAD YARD DAY A large blast of steam whooshes from a steam locomotive- The wheels slip over the track and then finally grab hold The train cars clack together one after another down the line as they and begin to move- Wind awakens with a start Woody yells at him to get a move on, as the other hobos grab their things and run for a boxcar with an open door He reaches the boxcar and hesitates as Woody holds out a hand to him- He takes hold and jumps on with the others WOODY Say fella, you look like you’ve never hopped a freight in your life! WIND I never see some thing so big that move! Will this leave the ground like a… a aeroplane? WOODY Leave the ground? Now that’s a hoot! Say boy, you got quite a sense of humor.. I like that in a man! As they travel west together Woody sings songs, spins tales and talks with Wind about God, and current affairs. WOODY I’ve been in box cars with 60 men, All trying to breathe the same piece of air. Course, that was before the war- Most a them fellers got jobs now! Wind asks Woody what he thinks about GOD WIND Woody, do you believe in a Great God? WOODY Well, like most folks, I call myself Christian. (MORE) 132. They say God came to the world long ago- just to see how things was, I guess. Called himself Jesus. The people back then killed him. But he promised to come back someday. In fact, I wrote a song about him- wanna hear it? WOODY then sings his song with just his guitar accompaniment “Jesus Christ was a man that traveled through the land, Hard working man and brave, He said to the rich give your goods to the poor, So they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.. Yes Jesus was a man, a carpenter by hand, his followers true and brave One dirty coward called Judas Iscariot has laid poor Jesus in his grave. When Jesus came to town the working folks around, believed what he did say, The bankers and the preachers they nailed him to a cross, And they laid Jesus Christ in his grave WIND Woody, Can they really kill God? WOODY I don’t know Wind- They say he rose Up and went to heaven. So HE’S in a better place, while you and me are still stuck here! WIND What is heaven like? WOODY Ya got me there friend. Sometimes I think every person has their own heaven and hell (That’s the other Place- for bad people) But who knows what happens when we die? WIND I think we still live- Maybe the God just want teach us things. 133. WOODY You know Wind, for being slow, you’re kinda smart too- In your own way… WIND You sing many songs, don‘t you? WOODY Hell- I can make up a song about most anything, jest about any old time. Let’s see now… He starts to make up a song and sings a few snatches of “Riding on the City of New Orleans” Riding on the City of New Orleans, Illinois Central, Monday morning rail.. Fifteen cars, fifteen restless riders, three conductors, twenty-five sacks of mail.. Da- Dee- Da-Da, Da- Da Da …” (He stops and says) Well, guess I’m not really in the mood right now. He stops and peers pensively out the door with Wind AUDIO TRACK: “City of New Orleans” by Arlo Guthrie- There is a visual collage to the music Riding on the City of New Orleans, Illinois Central, Monday morning rail Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders, Three conductors, twenty-five sacks of mail The men play cards, pass a bottle and watch the scenery pass All along the south bound odyssey, the train pulls out of Kankakee, Rolls along past houses, farms and fields, Passing trains that have no name, freight yards full of old black men And the grave yards of the rusted automobiles Good morning America how are ya? Don’t cha know me I’m your native son I’m the train they call the City of New Orleans, I’ll be gone 500 miles when the day is done 134. We see a club car where men in suits also gamble Dealin card games with the old men in the club car, Penny a point, ain’t no one keeping score Pass the paper bag that holds the bottle, Feel the wheels rumblin neath the floors We see other passengers in cars further up And the sons of Pullman Porters, and the sons of engineers Ride their fathers magic carpets made of steel Mothers put their babes asleep, rockin to the gentle beat And the rhythm of the rails is all they feel Good morning America How are ya? Don’tcha know me I’m your native son I’m the train they call The City of New Orleans I’ll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done Wind and Woody watch a sunset, while the others sleep Night time on the city of New Orleans, changing cars in Memphis Tennessee, Half way home, we’ll be there by morning, in the Mississippi darkness, rollin down to the sea Wind and Woody run beside another boxcar and get a hand up aboard from the others while a couple of cops try to catch them from behind- The cops yell at them over the music: Hey, stop right there! They smile and shake hands when they are safely away CUT TO DAYLIGHT AGAIN And all the towns and people seem, to fade into a bad dream, and the steel rails still ain’t heard the news The boys wave at a family in an old pickup truck stopped at a railroad crossing. They resemble the Joads from “The Grapes of Wrath” A man doffs his Tom Joad cap, another toasts with a bottle, and the others wave back 135. The conductor sings his songs again- ‘The passengers will please refrain’ This train’s got the disappearing railroad blues… Good night America, How are ya? Said don’t’cha know me, I’m your native son, I’m the train they call the city of New Orleans I’ll be gone 500 miles when the day is done…. As the music track fades, it is dusk again- the train rolls away from the camera, A conductor waves a lantern back and forth from the caboose EXT HILLSIDE FOLIAGE DAY POV Dove looks at the sun Dove is in some bushes unsuccessfully searching for berries She surveys some houses below her and sees some fruit trees in the fenced backyard of one of them She starts down the hillside toward the house EXT TRAIN YARD- LOS ANGELES CA DAY The hobos arrive in L.A. and jump off the train before it stops moving WOODY OK, let’s get going before the cops come along… Woody and Wind depart from the others and go to a small café near the rail yard-They pass SMILEY who has a peg leg WOODY Why say there- It’s Smiley- Ain’t seen you in some time- My god! Ya lost a leg! How’d that happen? SMILEY Slipped one night- hoppin a train outta Dodge City. Got ran over! WOODY Ooohhh… Je- sus! Smiley walks off 136. WOODY Well WIND, I got a little dough-ray on me- Let’s get some toast and coffee- Wait here while I use the phone. He goes to a phone booth in the back of the café- Wind is served a cup of coffee and burns his lip on it- the waitress wipes it up WOODY (On the phone) It’s me Woody. Jest got at L.A. I’m at the Toot-Toot-Tootsie Café… Say, there’s a friend with me- Think he could spend a night or two? Great! Well, see ya when ya git here- As Woody talks on the phone, a radio plays at the counter- Wind hears the music and looks all around it (“Mighty Fine Music”) When Woody returns Wind asks: WIND Where music come from? WOODY Are you joking? You’re not are you. Wow! You really ARE just off the Reservation! That music comes from somewhere far away. It goes in a thing called a mike, then through a bunch ‘a tubes- Then it shoots out a big ole metal tower (He strums his guitar) ‘And it comes out here.’ (ala Tommy Dorsey tune) In fact- I’m here ta play my guitar on the radio- thousands ‘a people gonna hear it! WIND Is that a lot ‘a people? WOODY Well, you bet that’s a lot ‘a people! They’re even gonna pay me money for it! Now go ahead and eat up. Someone‘s comin ta pick us up…. |
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