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20. EXT DRUID CAMP- YUDOC GIVES DOM MUSHROOMS NIGHT As a light misty rain falls Dom is enraged and having fits- He throws a bowl of pea soup and tears up the camp as Dee tries to get him to stop DOM Bah! Pea soup! We HAD boar! WIND, DOVE and MERRY watch his fit- Wind shakes his head and departs MERRY (whispers) This why I no want you with Dom, my little Dove… He scary. Dee not so crazy…. Our clans still be joined… DOVE Dee no like me- he shoo Dom away when I near- They no even care when Fay die! - Mama, Why must clans join? MERRY Ahman think it good for tribe- bring priests and hunters together DOVE What difference that make? They still no agree on any thing… MERRY Ahman think we get along better then. I no know.. (exasperated) He your father- he know best! EXT YUDOC’S DOOR NIGHT WIND Yudoc! We must… Cahlm Dahhm…, Cahlm Dahhm… ” YUDOC Cahlm Dahhm ? 21. WIND gestures by spreading his hands WIND CALLLLMM DAHHHHHHHM…… YUDOC Yeah, Yeah- I got medicine Gooood medicine- But first we need kill dog… EXT BY THE CAMPFIRE SAME NIGHT The Peece and Chinook men gather around a table that holds a dead dog with a knife stuck in it- Yudoc hands Wind several mushrooms and a cup of dog’s blood YUDOC These help him good… mushrooms… dog blood (smiling) Then we eat dog tomorrow… This one bite me- See? Yudoc waves his hands over the dog and howls Dom drinks the dog’s blood and takes the mushrooms INT DOM’S HUT SAME NIGHT Dom writhes and mutters as he hallucinates on his bed, while the others watch and wonder DEE You think this help him? YUDOC Well, he no tear up camp- He waves the dog’s tail in his hand INT MEADE’S HUT NEXT NIGHT Labah and Meade end an embrace in Meade’s hut MEADE I guard far moor this night- -must go now…
22. LABAH Be careful, my Meade, - when we meet again? MEADE When I knock like this… He raps out MARIONETTE’S FUNERAL MARCH LABAH Yes love- then me tell Hun I go to see Judah- They kiss and he leaves- Dom is walking past outside, holding his head and muttering DOM Uuuuhh! He stops and stares when he sees Meade emerge EXT DRUID FAR MOOR OUTPOST SAME NIGHT A light misty rain falls as Meade reports for guard duty- There are spears and a small pile of stones ready to throw He silently replaces the previous guard Left alone, Meade surveys his dark surroundings and his fingers tap on the drum slowly- the beat develops into THE MARIONETTES FUNERAL MARCH FADE TO: Meade begins to dose off, but perks up when he hears strains of harp music coming from the forest. He leaves the post to follow the strange, unfamiliar music After a short walk, the music fades and he finds nothing On the way back, he hears heavy breathing and a low growl- He quickly snatches up a huge rock and warily begins creeping backwards toward the entrance- His eyes are wide and his breathing heavy As he nears the guard post, he relaxes a little When the snarling big cat springs on him from the woods He gurgles as the cat clamps down on his throat EXT DRUID FAR OUTPOST THE NEXT MORNING Tribe members have discovered Meade’s body Others arrive and react in grief and fear Labah arrives and overreacts with a loud shriek Dom notices her reaction 23. AHMAN Now that beast has had meal, May be not bother us again CHINOOK Or may be think we taste good, and want more… WIND We need have two guard here at Far moor- like I say before AHMAN My son right- must have two guard DOM and DEE carry the body away DEE Now Meade really is mead. DOM Yeah Yeah- dead mead! AHMAN Do not laugh over such thing! You may be next! DOM glares at him and then licks the blood from his fingers AHMAN Stop that! Our tribe not eat our own! DOM (whispers to DEE) Then we will find Celtic when we are hungry DEE Yeah… yeah… Celtic! INT DOVE’ROOM NIGHT As another day ends, Dove watches Yudoc play his flute She places a woven covering over the window and lays down to sleep- The sounds fade as she dreams 24. In her dream she enters Dom’s hut where Dom and Labah entice her, Labah breathes in her ear, as Dom snarls like a big cat Dove tosses and turns in her sleep to drum beats, and then awakens when she hears the sound of beautiful harp strains The moon is full and, with curiosity, Dove follows the sound She sees a glow in the distance, leading her onward She gets to the fence and slips out past a guard Then, although wary, she is intrigued, and keeps going She finally reaches a clearing where she sees a transparent image of a female ANGEL playing a harp Dove watches from the underbrush- the Angel takes no notice The angel plays a song like “IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR” When she finishes, the Angel looks at Dove and smiles Before her image dissolves- Dove looks around confused, then starts back to camp EXT AT THE CAMPFIRE SITE NEXT MORNING As some of tribe eat fruit, Dove tells the others about what she saw DOVE She real spirit! or may be goddess! She… shine… in dark. I see… through her. She play beautiful music … on strange thing… YUDOC Strange thing- like my pipe? DOVE No… she play with her hands… …like this… (motions) I watch for while. She smile at me- then go away- melt like mist in morning. MERRY My little Dove… you sure it not a dream? 25. DOVE No- ground wet… my feet still muddy. See? when I hear her play. I go through fence where guard not see- AHMAN You leave camp alone?- just after cat attack?! You no leave camp at night again! You know? Maybe I move my family away from edge of camp! INT PEESE HUT THAT NIGHT Dove again awakens to harp music, and now wakes Wind DOVE Wind, Wind. Wake up. Goddess is making music -you hear? WIND What? I hear no thing- DOVE Quick, quick- come with me.. He grabs a spear and together they go and watch the vision of the angel- The harp strains change as they approach The angel plays “GREENSLEEVES- (What Child Is This)” They watch from the brush- the vision is similar to the previous night- They whisper to each other WIND You think she see us? DOVE Yeah Yeah- but she pay us no mind- why you think she here? WIND I not sure I really see this… When the angel dissolves again- They explore the clearing
26. WIND You right- she not human- she a spirit.. DOVE or a goddess… WIND There nothing here now… It dangerous… must go back … EXT CAMPFIRE SITE DAY Wind and Dove tell the others WIND DOVE right… there IS spirit who play music in woods… by big tree- We both see her last night… AHMAN You go into forest at night? to chase spirits? I have two fools for children! DOM (to Dee) Heh heh heh… He say four children when he only got three… Dee grins like a Cheshire cat DEE Yeah….Yeah… CHINOOK You no believe in spirits Ahman? May be we should all go see … pray to it! Some of the hunters laugh AHMAN If my son say he see spirit, then I believe … I just no want my children in danger… 27. WIND If she come again, will you go with us and see? AHMAN May be we go- but better not be joke! WIND Is no joke- there was spirit… and her music much better than Yudoc’s! The others all laugh again EXT SITE OF ANGEL’S APPEARANCE BY THE BIG TREE NIGHT The image of the angel repeats The priests and other tribesmen gradually arrive and look on THE ANGEL PLAYS “COVENTRY CAROL” Some emerge from the brush and approach- Ahman reaches out to touch the Angel and his hand goes through her- She takes no notice and plays on before she slowly vanishes The Druids look at one another in awe and wonder EXT CAMPFIRE SITE NEXT DAY Sun has drawn a picture of the harp and angel on a rock and is showing the others SUN She touches these vines- this make music DEE (mimicking) Yeah… YEAH… YEAH! YUDOC Ahman! What you think? why she here ?… AHMAN Priests talk of this- Yeah- She a spirit- Why she here- too soon to tell 28. JUDAH Maybe she Great Spirit- A wooman- like we say! AHMAN No- I no think so! But may be she sent by Great Spirit, May be HE come soon! RAIN May be she dead- May be we see ghost of Meade soon! LABAH Listen to my mother! May be other ghosts come- I afraid.. YUDOC I no afraid- She look like good spirit to me- speak with music I think she a Goddess! AHMAN Whatever she is, we watch for her at night- from now on… The others nod EXT FOREST BY THE BIG TREE THAT NIGHT The tribe is gathered around the big tree DOVE She may no come with All these people… Ahman shushes her- they look at one another while they wait EXT DRUID CAMP SAME TIME While most of the tribe is outside waiting for the vision, the big cat enters the camp and attacks a goat Dom and Dee emerge from their hut- they and other hunters begin to battle it Dom is cornered by the cat- his face is full of fear Wind arrives, and in an effort to save defenseless Dom, he attacks the cat with a spear that breaks 29. Wind then gets attacked by the cat There’s a flash of light and strange sound EXT ROMAN COLISEUM ARENA- 64 A.D. DAY Wind is suddenly still engaged in a struggle with a lion But he’s now in the Roman Coliseum, where people cheer from the stands- He struggles and manages to back the lion away momentarily with a sharp blow to its nose Suddenly an arrow comes from the side and enters the lion- it staggers and falls- Wind looks to the side- The crowd in the stadium roars- the roar becomes the roar of the lion EXT DRUID CAMP SAME NIGHT Back at the camp, the lion squares off with the hunters Dom is again cornered- Dee tosses him a spear and he finally kills the cat as it lunges at him He is shaken and gasps for breath The others cheer and congratulate him Fire discovers that Wind is dead.. He lets out a yell that’s drowned out by the roar of the crowd in the Roman coliseum EXT ROMAN COLISEUM DAY Wind struggles out from under the dying lion and then looks to the direction the arrow came from He sees a GLADIATOR holding a bow. The gladiator is Dee. The gladiator bows to the crowd and then turns to CAESAR DEE Emperor- I implore you- Let this one go for now. He has a great fighting spirit, to entertain us again another day! From behind, Caesar nods, and motions to some centurions DEE and the centurions grab the dazed and confused Wind, and drag him struggling out of the arena He doesn’t know where he is, how he got here or who these strange people are- Wind screams-his cry dissolves to Fire’s EXT DRUID CAMP THE SAME NIGHT Fire cradles a dead Wind in his arms The hunters react with horror and grief- The others arrive and also react in horror- 30. Dove drops to her knees as Judah screams Ahman embraces Merry to keep her from looking The Warbles look on as their sons catch their breath RAIN Thank God it not OUR son! INT COLISEUM DUNGEON DAY Back in the future of 64 A.D., WIND is thrown into a cell He despairs and is given a cup of water by another prisoner- He calms down a little but paces the cell and shakes the bars while the other prisoner eyes him warily WIND Where am I? Who you people? A LYRE PLAYER shows up- FAY- and plays outside of the cells. WIND It Fay! He still alive too! Fay! It me- Wind! Fay looks at him blankly- The music calms WIND and he finally falls asleep while his cellmate watches him EXT OUTSIDE DRUID CAMP- BURIAL GROUND DAY In Wind’s dream, he sees his own funeral. Hovering in spirit- he laments with his family, who cannot see him MUSICAL TRACK: MIDSUMMER NIGHT‘S DREAM - “Nocturne” WIND (thinking) That me… No-can no be me. I am here. I live! Ahman delivers some kind of barely inaudible eulogy. They take turns tossing dirt in the grave. WIND My family look so sad. Why they no see me? The others leave, but Dove and Judah remain weeping- The sun is setting red in the summer evening sky- Dove and Judah turn to leave The angel and Harp appear to Wind and he hears it’s strains. He pleads at her: 31. WIND Why this happen? What this all about The angel holds her finger to her lips to “shush” him She dissolves- A gust of wind shakes the trees around the gravesite and leaves blow across his grave DISSOLVE TO: INT COLISEUM DUNGEON DAY Wind tosses and turns in his sleep, then awakens He arises and shakes the bars of the cell door again and a window that looks out over the arena A lone cellmate babbles in Hebrew and Wind is confused He prays, crosses himself, and then speaks in English PETER Calm down friend- there is no sense getting crazy. There is no way out … WIND Who you?… where am I? PETER I am Simon Peter, and you, my friend are in the confines of the Roman Coliseum WIND But how I get here? PETER The Romans must have brought you here- you are just confused. Where are you from, my son?” WIND I am Wind, from Druid tribe. PETER Well, Wind.. I’m afraid I’ve never heard of your people. And you speak in such a strange tongue- it is only through the grace of God that I understand you
WIND You speak… strange too. But I still know what you say- What god you speak of? PETER I speak of Jesus Christ God who came to the world I myself saw him do miracles He healed the sick, and raised the dead. He spoke of love, and forgiveness, yet he was killed by these Romans. He crosses himself again WIND A goddess visit my tribe- a wooman with wings. I see her last night in my dream… when they bury me PETER Hmmm… sounds like an angel… And you think you were killed by a lion? Then perhaps you have been raised again from the dead! Praise God! WIND But why I here now in this place- PETER Only God knows the answer to that, friend- but He must have some sort of purpose for you- Wind looks around at prisoners in other cells
33. WIND Who all these men? PETER Most are slaves- taken from their own lands, to work for the Romans and to fight in the sick “games” you saw Very few- if any of us- Will leave this place alive WIND You mean they kill us? PETER Oh, they probably won’t kill YOU directly… You’ll be a participant in more games But the Romans already know that I won’t fight, and so my execution has been scheduled… WIND No.. no- I no want to die! PETER Take courage my son. An angel of God, like your angel, once freed me from such a cell before. If we pray without ceasing, God will be merciful- And perhaps you’ll disappear as quickly as you arrived… They are then serenaded by the musician with the lyre, To the introductory verse of Rudolf, the Red-nosed Reindeer FAY We pray to Balaam, and Mars, And even to Caesar- Odin, Diana, (and still we can’t please her) To put an end to this poem- bless these captive entertainers- and Rome! WIND shakes the cell door again 34. WIND God… I no want to die! PETER Well it sounds almost as if you already died once. perhaps you’re now beyond death… The crowd begins to make noise in the Coliseum once more Dee and the other centurions show up and take a prisoner from another cell WIND God, … Oh great spirit! Please no let me die! PETER Let’s pray together then Wind… He gets down on his knees and has WIND do the same PETER Dearest god, as death closes in And knowing that shortly we must put off these holy tabernacles, Dee and guards show up and drag Peter away as he still prays PETER Be merciful at our time of death, that we may feel no pain.. And enter into heaven- In the name of Jesus we pray, and thank you for our lives… Peter crosses himself as the guards bind his arms, and Wind does the same PETER Keep praying Wind, keep praying! Peter is taken struggling from the cell- Wind looks out through the bars of his window and sees Peter led to a chopping block He turns away from the window and hears the axe drop And the roar of the crowd again- He despairs and prays- crossing himself again and again 35. EXT HUN’S HUT DAY Hun strips the panther for it’s pelt- Labah complains- LABAH Hunny!! just bury it! No one want to remember that cat HUN His coat real good- keep me warm when ice come. Wind dead- But WE must survive- he would say same thing… Hun holds up some sinewy cat entrails HUN Look… this tie things good See? Every thing in forest good for some thing- Even dead beast EXT OUTSIDE THE CAMP BY THE BIG TREE DAWN Druid tribe members are gathered around the sight where the angel appeared CHINOOK Three nights now and no spirit… time for hunters to hunt again.- Not watch for spirit! We need food OTHER PRIEST May be gods angry now. AHMAN (wearily) Who can say? Starry night now seem strange… quiet. May be she come to show that there ARE spirits In other place. May be my son Wind with them now… CHINOOK Two Druid hunters-lost to big cats! You still worry about ghosts in woods-
36. EXT AT SUN’S SUNDIAL DAY Sun talks with his friend again about the sundial SUN See? Shadow go more around circle every day- days get longer- days warm. I think soon, shadow no go as far- days get short again- Finally ice come again FRIEND We have warm time, then ice time. Why worry when they come and go? (SCOFFS) You only worry cause you named sun! Dove runs up to them DOVE Sun! Come quick… your sister having baby! EXT HUN’S HUT DAY The tribe gathers around the hut where Labah gives birth INT HUN’S HUT DAY Dove goes inside where the women are gathered around a moaning Labah- Yudoc is there trying to help MERRY No Yudoc! Labah no want your mushrooms now! Baby almost out… let her be… Yudoc goes outside and plays his recorder to celebrate the birth- he manages to get a few notes of “Greensleeves” right Rain emerges and holds the child aloft- RAIN It a boy child! another hunter born to Warble clan! She lowers it and cradles the baby in her arms DISSOLVE TO: 37. EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE SITE NIGHT Labah holds her baby as the tribe is gathered at the fire AHMAN Labah!- Time to decide what his name be… Labah hands the baby to Ahman- to present it to the tribe AHMAN Great Spirit who watch over Druids…thank you for this male child.. And that his mother still lives! DOM (aside to DEE) I think baby look more like Meade than Hunny… One night I see our sister Come from Meade’s hut.. May be HE father. AHMAN May this boy grow big and strong! One day be best Druid hunter! The hunters cheer AHMAN Now- as is custom- we name baby… First we ask mother… Labah! What name you want Call him? LABAH I want to call him “Wisp”- cause he come to me at time When- wispy Goddess- come to play her music… CHINOOK No… I no like… Wisp not name for hunter! If he like wisp of fog, animal run right through him! 38. They all laugh, except for Labah- who is now displeased CHINOOK My grandson need STRONG name- Brave name! HUN May be we call my son Wind- To honor my friend- a great Druid hunter! AHMAN I think- no. Wind not his father. Judah have HIS baby soon. If it boy, We name HIM Wind… after MY son. Judah drops her head in grief, Dove consoles her DOM I know- call him Meade then He gives Labah a coy look, and continues: DOM Meade brave Druid hunter too. He die defending camp… Always good friend of Warble clan LABAH (Getting annoyed) You can no name my baby that… just cause someone once stole some mead! He not named for thief! Some of the gathering snicker at one another DOM No- now I remember. that not Meade’s real name… He muses with his forefingers on his chin… DOM We name him ARPA then! Arpa Meade’s real name. Beside, he look like his pa, Hun! No? Hun beams, and then quickly seconds the idea 39. HUN Yeah- Meade good friend… brave hunter- I want name my son for him… And Arpa good MAN name! The hunters rouse a chorus of “Yeas” and the name sticks AHMAN Then we decide- This boy Arpa! The hunters cheer while Labah and the girls are annoyed LABAH No! It no fair- I his mother! She turns to Hun and argues as many arise and leave LABAH You no care what I think! HUN I care… but now hunters not laugh at my son! The Peese and Warble clans still by the fire- Sun stands SUN Ahman- I think of way to make camp safer. He sketches in the dirt SUN We dig big ditch- around camp, fill with water from river, ditch keep cats and wolves away! Keep us safe from other tribes! We can build huts up off of ground. where animals can no get in.. AHMAN Yes young Sun- This good- but it take much work… CHINOOK And THAT time better spent on hunt while warm days still here! 40. Sun sits down discouraged, while Ahman muses AHMAN You know my children, We born-and live for SHORT time… then we die… sun rises and sun sets. How quickly flow the days! CHINOOK Yes Ahman! hunting days not wait! Your son gone- no one can bring him back… but now NEW hunter born to tribe… May be Merry give you one more son before she too old. Merry looks at him in anger- he continues on CHINOOK Now I wonder… Wind WAS to lead tribe But now he gone- we must choose new brave man… I think Dom best choice. AHMAN No… my son Fire now follow me. Leader of Druids from priest family. Has always been so. CHINOOK Dom best hunter- OLDER too! Your clan has just one male now.. Warbles have three… no, four now with new boy Dom holds up four fingers and says to Dee: DOM Four… for now! He shakes his head in Dove’s direction- Dee looks perplexed MERRY Ahman not dying! Fire a grown man soon- HE best to lead tribe! 41. Merry storms off- the men continue to argue CHINOOK Why your wooman think SHE decide for tribe? AHMAN My wooman right. Fire a man soon- he oldest priest son- and priests still decide -not hunters. Ahman then also leaves in anger- the sons gaze at each other- Dove senses trouble- audio fades on Yudoc’s flute- the notes suggest “DES-O-LAAA-TION!“ INT DUNGEON ROMAN COLISEUM DAY Wind hears the trumpets blow “DES-O-LAAA-TION!“ and the roar of the crowd- A squad of centurions arrive with Dee and take him struggling out of his cell They stop under the stands before entering the arena, where Dee presents Wind with a long two-edged metal sword Wind is intrigued by the weapon and inspects the workmanship - unlike anything he has ever seen As Dee looks on, we hear the voice of PETER reciting the words of Ezekiel, (Ez Chapter 21) “Son of man , prophesy, and say-“ Wind hears the voice and glances upward “Thus saith the Lord: A sword, a sword is sharpened and also furbished:” Dee laughs wickedly as Wind inspects the sword “It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter… Wind runs his finger along the blade and it cuts him “This sword is sharpened, to give to the hand of the slayer….” 42. Dee takes the sword, turns quickly, and cuts through the staff of an old man standing nearby- He totters and falls Dee and the others laugh “Cry and howl, for it shall be upon all the princes… Terrors of the sword shall be upon my people….” DEE It is sharp, … and bright- ready for the slaughter! Dee then gives him a shield and demonstrates: DEE Use this to stop the sword of your enemy… like this… Dee quickly draws his own sword and swings it at another centurion who deflects the blow with a shield Wind’s eyes grow wide… DEE Come now warrior- it is your time. Your time for victory… or death! EXT ROMAN COLISEUM DAY Wind is then led out to the arena as the trumpets blow and the crowd roars again- Now Wind faces a bigger gladiator with a shield and sword Defending himself, he finally subdues the other warrior by knocking him senseless with his shield The crowd cheers, then grows quiet Exhausted, Wind looks up toward Caesar, now revealed as Dom Caesar gives the “thumbs down” sign for Wind to kill the other warrior- The crowd cheers but Wind doesn’t understand The crowd grows quiet- An angry Dee taunts him: DEE Kill him you fool! KILL HIM! Wind drops his sword- the other gladiator gets up and flees Then as Dee is about to slay Wind, we hear Caesar command:
43. DOM No! Not that way! A CHASE! Dee backs off then leaving Wind alone in the arena Caesar motions and his men open a gate releasing a lion The crowd again begins to cheer For a short time, Wind avoids the lion, but as it overtakes him- he covers himself with the shield and holds his other arm across his eyes (Point of View) The lion roars- and it’s roar becomes the sound of a cannon EXT MAN ‘O WAR SAILING SHIP- 1536 A.D. DAY And Wind finds himself in the middle of a battle at sea He is down on his knees, on a pitching deck, in rough seas The sky is dark and an intense rain pelts him as he struggles to his feet- There is yelling and confusion- an officer -MEADE- yells orders at Wind who stares blankly- MEADE My God man! To your battle station! Another sailor falls on Wind and they topple again On his knees Wind watches as a row of cannons are loaded and fired at an approaching ship- emerging in the pouring rain MEADE (screaming) Stand back! Prepare for ramming! The ship takes some cannon hits and then is rammed by the enemy ship- Wind is thrown off the deck and plunges into the raging sea- A huge wave overtakes him and he starts to drown There is a sudden flash of lightning and a loud thunderclap -the thunderclap suggests- “CRE-AAA-TION!” INT PEESE HOUSE NIGHT The families huddle together in their huts in fear while a tempest rages and heavy rain falls Ahman looks out through an opening AMAN Such a strange storm- Maybe the gods ARE angry! 44. Suddenly a great bolt of lightning illuminates the sky and strikes the big tree at the site of the angel’s appearance The storm ceases abruptly and it becomes eerily quiet A small fire burns at the tree the lightning struck The families emerge from their huts and the tribe then goes out to investigate Wind watches on in spirit- again bewildered by the events- They find the tree rent in twain THE HEARPE is exposed inside of the tree- eight feet off the ground- now wet with rain and glistening in the moonlight AMAN Look! It the Spirit’s… thing! But this time- it real! EXT AT THE BIG TREE SITE DAWN All the men of the tribe- the priests and warriors are gathered around the tree- they murmur to one another OTHER PRIEST What you think Ahman? AMAN Gods put it here- for us! DOVE and JUDAH look on from the brush- A transparent wind hovers nearby DOVE It from goddess… SHE bring it! AHMAN I think we look long enough- Chinook! Have your men get it- Chinook looks around and some of the men shrink back CHINOOK Dom! Dee! Get that.. That THING down The brothers warily retrieve the harp- there is relief when nothing happens- Ahman finally plucks a few strings and the others react with enthusiasm 45. AHMAN It a gift from the gods! They all cheer OTHER PRIEST What we call it? AHMAN It name no matter. It a gift from the gods… Must be careful with it! HUN Since my new son come now too- I call it ‘Arpa’… AHMAN Good, good- Then we take Arpa back to camp! They leave- Sun stays alone at the tree- Wind is near him The sun is rising directly over the huge stone at the entrance to the camp- Sun is transfixed by it It is MIDSUMMER’S DAY, and the first sunrise at STONEHENGE Curious about Sun’s fixed attention- Wind moves next to him POINT OF VIEW: Wind sees the sun rising over the heel stone DISSOLVE TO: INT ANOTHER SAILING SHIP- 1536 A.D. DAY The sun shines through a porthole on another Man ‘O War ship Wind awakes with the sun in his eyes- He is now on a bunk in the ship’s infirmary There are wounded and moaning sailors around- Another sailor in the next bunk- SALTY (Fay again) sees that Wind is now conscious- He smiles and raises a flask of rum SALTY Welcome back to the living matey! Yir lucky this time! Most of your mates were swallowed by the sea! He takes a swig from the flask- Wind thinks it’s water 46. WIND (gasping) Water… Water… He grabs for the flask and they wrestle for it momentarily SALTY Blimey lad! It’s not water- It’s me own private stock! Wind wrestles it from him and quickly takes a big swig Then just as quickly he spits it back out forcefully SALTY Now you’ve wasted it! Are you daft lad? WIND Uhh? Wind settles back in bed, then looks out a porthole- He sees he is surrounded by the sea- he panics He goes to the other side of the boat and looks out WIND Where am I? Where is land?! SALTY Land? We’re still at sea matey. On His Majesty’s finest ship, the Valiant Plymouth!- Don’t worry. We’ll make land in a few days. While he is in a panic by a porthole, the ships physician returns and takes Wind by the shoulders back to his bed PHYSICIAN There, now lad. I thought you’d come around soon… Caaaalm down now… He gives Wind some water- he sips it first, to see if it‘s like Salty‘s rum and then gulps it down SALTY What’s wrong with this one Doc? He’s sure in a fit. 47. PHYSICIAN Not unusual for a sailor to get confused- after what he’s been through… He’s obviously … um… Bewildered… Say, can you tell me your name, lad? WIND I am Wind- Wind of Druid tribe… PHYSICIAN Yes… quite confused… doesn’t even know his name… No lad, see yir tattoo? He raises Wind’s sleeve to display a tattoo: an anchor with the inscription “John Maybury: H.M.S. Naphtali PHYSICIAN It says you’re John Maybury- of the Naphtali Man ‘O War battleship. Your vessel went under lad- When we pulled you from the drink, we didn’t even know if you were English- ‘til we saw that… Yir lucky to be alive… SALTY Think the bloody Spaniards meant to ram the Naphtali, Doc? PHYSICIAN What’s it matter now? Both ships went down… The ship’s captain (CAPTAIN THORROW) enters PHYSICIAN Another one coming to, Captain But still bewildered. THORROW Calm him as best as you can, doctor. Let me know when ANY are fit for duty. We’re short of hands on deck. 48. PHYSICIAN I found a tatoo on this one- Says he’s John Maybury- Off the Naphtali. THORROW Maybury, eh? Well, doctor, when Mr. Maybury regains his wits, have him report to me. I lost my Cabin Boy and need a replacement, At least until we get to port. Someone with experience- like this lad. They both look at Wind who stares bleakly out the porthole and then throws up EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE SITE DAY Sun is stirring something in a pot as his friend approaches, he removes it from the flames FRIEND What crazy thing now my friend? SUN I mix some leaves with ashes boil them in fire… some thing to paint with that not wash off with rain. With a stick, he marks on a rock with the black goo SUN There, see… not bad.. eh? The friend shrugs SUN Now look at this… He picks up some thin pieces of bark he has collected SUN If I draw on this bark, I can keep them in my hut rain no wash pictures off… He makes a mark on the bark with a stick 49. SUN Yes… I think this work FRIEND I think you waste time- Your father not like it much… SUN Chinook no like any thing I do… SUN Aww- let it be, my friend… The friend throws the stone- we hear a loud squawk and the flutter of wings FRIEND There- I hit it! No druid throw as good as me! As he saunters off, a single feather floats to the ground Sun picks it up, examines it for a moment, and then dips it into his new ink and marks on some bark. He nods in approval EXT VALIANT PLYMOUTH AT SEA DAY Wind is entranced by the surrounding ocean and the architecture of the ship- Salty points at the sails- Wind stares in awe- Captain Thorrow motions for him CUT TO: Wind has an unpleasant experience emptying a bedpan into the wind- The other sailors laugh at him SALTY It’s like you’re green Matey. Don’t you know? Ya don’t empty bedpans into the wind! But don’t mind THOSE BLOKES lad! A lot of ‘em are ‘ere against their will. Sometimes- when the fighting starts- I’m not sure if I trust this vicious bunch of scallywags.. You stick by ole Salty an let me know if any of ‘em gives you trouble! 50. Wind sees a bust of a woman adorning the front of the ship WIND Salty- why there a wooman On front of this ship? SALTY Don’t ask me… Must be one ‘O enry’s wives… If they had any sense, they’d ‘ave a big battering ram there! WIND You think there more fighting Salty? SALTY Nah. Doubt we’ll see any action gettin back to port. But there’ll be more fightin after we get supplies- WIND Have you seen many fights Salty? SALTY Oh, you bet I have! Back in ‘12 we was up against the bloody French. I saw the cannons flare then, an a lot of good mates went under. Then THEIR King Louie up and marries ‘enry’s sister. So all at once, it’s like all in the family- everything’s peaches and cream with the French- as if nothing ever ‘appened! Now it’s the bloody Spaniards again! Don’t get me wrong mate. I love the Seafaring life! But whenever fightin’ starts- lots of fine ships go under, an it’s blokes like us payin a visit to Davy Jones locker. Ole enry switches wives so often e’ll probably be itchin up with Ferdinand’s daughter! -they’ll be spreadin their blue blood all over the continent, while OUR red blood’s bein washed in the drink!
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