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70. INT DOMS HUT THAT NIGHT Dove startles awake to see Dom’s face in the dark muttering: He grunts as Dove gets him to roll over- she notices the wind chimes
above her- they clack in the wind She slips away into the night A breeze stirs the chimes and the sky behind them gets light SLOW DISSOLVE AUDIO AND VIDEO TO: EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE SITE DAY The sound of the wind chimes becomes the sound of the tribe, As they play on hollowed logs and drums of skin Yudoc plays flute, a couple of Druids play the new arpas and Hun now has a lute guitar made from a gourd It is mostly just a loud din Many of the tribe are dancing- with different abilities Ahman and the elders walk past and cluck their disapproval CHINOOK This music get more noisy. How we know if guards signal? AHMAN What can we do? Can not say- No make noise! I pray gods not angry! Dom calls Dee aside- With one of Hun’s arpas, he shoots twigs
the same way Dee did the night before DOM Have crazy dream, and now idea idea for- this- thing INT CAPTAIN THORROW’S TROPHY ROOM NIGHT Wind awakes to thunder and lightning in the Captain’s trophy
room and is startled by the stuffed lion above him Other stuffed heads in the darkened room are lit by flashes A queen’s head appears for a split second He panics but does not know how to use the door to escape Captain Thorrow comes in with an oil lamp THORROW Good God, what’s the fuss lad? It’s just a thunderstorm! 71. WIND Oh Great God, why you torment me! Why I in this strange land? The captain lights another lamp and stirs the hearth flames Wind calms down, and hangs his aching head in his hands he has a hangover and squints in the new light WIND Ohhh, I feel terrible! THORROW A little too much wine, eh, Maybury!? That sort of thing happens at those banquets… I’ve learned when to quit letting them fill the glass… Don’t worry! You’ll be up and feeling better in a jiffy. WIND I have bad dream- see my brother Fire dying! THORROW THAT sort of thing happens too, When someone has too much drink… It’s just a bad dream…
From too much wine I wouldn’t pay it any mind…… Anyway, the sun will be up soon, And we have to get ready- We set sail in a few days And we’re short of hands… INT WARBLE BROTHER’S HUT NIGHT Inside their hut The Warble brothers are seen secretly stripping
one of the new harps- they retrieve a tree bough From near the fire AUDIO TRACK: MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM “SCHERZO” DEE What that for? DOM You see soon Dom stretches a string tight and shakes his head “yes” 72. EXT BY THE ANGEL’S TREE DAY They are then alone outside and fail to hit a target DOM Spear in my dream have feathers, make it fly true, like a bird … INT SUN’S HUT NIGHT Dom steals some feathers that Sun has collected EXT THE ANGEL’S TREE DAY An arrow imbeds itself in the tree Dom removes it, the brothers smile at each other EXT IN THE WOODS DAY They’ve killed a roe and remove the arrow DEE A roe! You kill a roe! DOM From very far too… AUDIO TRACK- MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM- “SCHERZO” continues EXT- OUTSIDE THE CAMP- THE DRUID SPORTING GAMES DAY They have their new weapon at the summer tests of manhood where they easily outdistance the spear throwers They hit targets with more accuracy and force than ever- The others shake their heads in awe - At the conclusion, they all
gather around to inspect the new weapon: CORNSTALK How you think of such thing? DOM Oh- I just dream it up…. CORNSTALK Now Ahman should let Dom lead Druids! The other hunters cheer while Fire looks on helpless 73. EXT HUN’S HUT DAY A group of hunters arrive at Hun’s hut with Dom and Dee Labah is looking after Arpa, Dove is there playing with Moth DOM Hi Hunny… We making more roe spears, to kill more game… We want these arpas… We need strings…. HUN But these are mine… DOM Not now- The hunters leave with the harps, Dee takes the gourd guitar Dove tells Labah that the invention is just as she saw with Wind
in her dream DOVE New spears same thing I see in a dream… I got bad feeling … EXT THE SURROUNDING FOREST DAY -MIDSUMMER’S “SCERZO” RESUMES The hunters are again on the hunt- now several bows, And they kill game as never before- At the end, they carry THREE boars EXT OLD LONDON STREET DAY Captain Thorrow takes Wind to muster sailors Wind and Salty drive a caged cart, while Captain Thorrow and some
officers ride horses WIND Where we go now Salty? SALTY We’re huntin human game today, Matey. The Valiant Plymouth sails in two days- and we need more shipmates. 74. The Captain and his party round up drunkards and vagabonds, with
differing levels of cooperation- One tells the Captain: But I got ta say goodbye to me parents. Dad’s not at all well…. THORROW You can post a message from the ship, sailor. You now have a duty to your king… WIND These men no want to go, do they? SALTY Don’t worry lad… They’ll be fine when we get to sea… Why- I still remember the day they first picked me up Maybury?… Maybury! Wind is seen running away down an alley THORROW Let him go. He’ll be back… Mr. Maybury’s too confused to survive on his own… Wind then has difficulties and trouble adjusting to life In the old city of London that is all new and modern to him AUDIO TRACK: MELANCHOLY FLUTE MUSIC Horses and carriages clop noisily past- smithies clang their anvils,
while Wind avoids the dung on the cobbled streets Women yell “Gardy Loo” and empty bedpans out of windows- There are small cottages with thatched roofs and gardens- animals
are penned in the backyards A tart lady of the evening propositions him- CUT TO: As Wind sleeps, she empties his pockets and leaves Wandering again the next day, a drunk asks him: A shilling for some more ale, mate? When Wind pulls out empty pockets, the drunk turns on him: 76. DRUNKARD: No beggin from you ‘ere mister- This is my street! He sees an open air market, and fails to get the vendor to give
him some peas- As he walks on, children chant Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold Peas porridge in the pot, nine days old! A garrison of soldiers march past with fife and drum- He sees a harp in a shop window- and stares in awe A sign reads “The Hearpe Shoppe” Desperate and afraid, Wind arrives at the dock, in time to see
the Valiant Plymouth sailing away In desperation, he steals some food from a vendor- But is caught by a local constable INT TOWER OF LONDON DUNGEON DAY Wind is thrown into the Tower dungeon by some Beefeaters Another prisoner hands him a bowl of gruel The hungry Wind eagerly begins to lap at it and exclaims WIND UUmmm… Ummm… Peas! EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE NIGHT DOM is being handed a bowl of pea soup- he knocks it away DOM BAH! No soup for ME! Tonight… we have BOAR! All boar we can eat! As he chomps and the men cheer- Merry complains to Dove MERRY He no throw soup out if he have no mead! DEE Celtics never win spear Challenge again! Not against new roe spear! Dom reacts with interest at the mention of the Celtics 77. INT TOWER OF LONDON DUNGEON DAY An imprisoned monk introduces himself to Wind MONK JONATHAN Welcome to the Tower friend… My name is Jonathan… Wind looks away and strokes his tattoo JONATHAN So tell us brother… What dark sin against the state brings you here?… WIND What? JONATHAN Why are you in here lad? WIND I take food when I get hungry… They catch me- bring me here- JONATHAN (To the others) So… This man took some food! For a simple act of survival, He’s now here in this vile place with us! Such is the “forgiving nature” of our new state church gentlemen! The others there react: “Deplorable!” “Outrageous!” “Modern Pharoahsees!” WIND Yeah, yeah. I take food. So why you here? JONATHAN An interesting question friend.. And not easily answered… We are monks- all brothers of a local order… For generations We’ve preached to the common man… (MORE) 78. JONATHAN Now King Henry has his own church… an official “Church of England” And while they say they follow the same Lord Their ideas are quite different… WIND What? MONK 2 Uh, what Jonathan is trying to say is that, well, ever since the king formed his new state church, we monks have been persecuted… hunted down- locked up in horrible places such as this… WIND (Looks around) You mean- like Simon Peter? JONATHAN Yes, yes- just like Simon Peter. We just hope we don’t end up like Hun… Other Monks Yes Yes Quite right! WIND Wait… wait- You know Hun? MONK 2 Yes, well- We KNEW Hun… Richard Hun… was also a monk from our order… and the salt of the earth, really! He dared to stand up to the King’s Bishopricks… until he was found Hanging… dead, in his cell… WIND Hun dead? (sob) Oh no! Hun dead too! Where? Here? At that point, as another monk peers out of a small window, he sees a processional arriving on the Tower green below 79. MONK 3 Brothers! Brothers! Something is happening down on the green…! MONK 2 Then the rumor’s true. Henry’s ‘disposing of’ another wife! WIND What you mean? JONATHAN His Highness is executing another wife… His latest Queen- Anne Boleyn WIND How can he kill his woman? JONATHAN “Hell and destruction are before the Lord,” my friend, “How much more than the hearts of the children of men!” Through several small windows, Wind and the Monks witness the beheading of Anne Boleyn on the Tower Green- May 19, 1536- for failing to bear a male heir MONK 3 Here comes the queen now… The noble queen is led out to the chopping block, while the gentry have mixed reactions- Some sneer, some are fidgety, while others hide their disgust of the proceedings A father watches the proceedings and tells his two sons: FATHER “The King’s favor is toward a wise servant, but his wrath is against him that causeth shame…” Or HER as the case may be. They nod dutifully- King Henry is seated and the executioner arrives with an axe and wearing a dark hood MONK 3 Why do they even bother with the mask… 80. MONK 2 So the prisoner’s friends can’t take revenge on the executioner…. A courtier reads the sentence from a parchment COURTIER For various and multiple crimes against the state- first and foremost being your failure to provide His Royal Highness and the throne a male heir You- Anne Boleyn- are sentenced to die, This Nineteenth Day of May, The Year of our Lord Fifteen Hundred and Thirty Six… And may God have mercy on your soul… The queen sobs as her head is placed on the chopping block The monks in the Tower say prayers as they watch - Wind looks away, crossing himself again MONK 2 My God! They’re really going to kill her! We hear the sound of the axe drop- the monks are distraught After the execution, two ministers joke between themselves as they leave BISHOPRICK 1 Well yes.. There’s a good show from the old fellow Pope Max calls His “Most Christian King!” BISHOPRICK 2 Yes, yes- quite right! EXT BY THE ANGELS TREE DAY An arrow imbeds itself into a tree- Fire practices archery by shooting at the angel’s tree- Dove stands nearby DOVE Goddess bring Arpa to make music- Now hunters kill with it… It no seem right…
81. FIRE I no care about music too. Dom right… We need hunt food to live- now we kill food like no time before… Dom soon lead tribe- you should be glad you his wooman DOVE But you will lead tribe… Fire just shrugs INT DOVE’S ROOM NIGHT As Dove dreams, the angel plays another tune AUDIO TRACK- THE MAIN THEME MUSIC EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE SITE DAY Dove performs the new tune before some Druids Moth perks up, approaches Dove and stares. He covers his ears- Dove stops as everyone stares CUT TO: The hunters return to camp. Labah approaches them. LABAH Hun! Hun! Good thing happen! Moth hears! Our son can hear! AHMAN My daughter open his ears! It gift from gods! INT TOWER DUNGEON DAY Two Beefeater guards show up at Wind’s cell GUARD 1 Yes. That one! ‘is tattoo says ‘ee’s a sailor- in the royal navy. ‘Ee don’t belong here Wit these heretics. GUARD 2 You there! Come with us. You’re free to go! 82. Wind quickly downs another bowl of gruel as he’s leaving JOHN Fare thee well, brother. May we meet again in more favorable circumstances.
EXT TOWER OF LONDON DAY WIND is freed, and again roams the London streets MUSICAL TRACK- “DANCING BEAR” by THE MAMAS AND PAPAS In the instrumental intro- WIND wanders discouraged He peers into a window- There’s a sign “Sweep wonted” The shoppe keeper beacons him in, and then Wind is attired as a chimney sweep- He sweeps a hearth- as the shoppe keeper watches. FIRST VERSE: “I wouldn’t want to be a chimney sweep, all black from head to foot, Climbing in them chimneys, cleaning out that soot- With a broom and ladder and pail- darkened walls I scale WIND is in a chimney “And far ….and high…, I see a patch of sky” WIND looks up and sees a patch of sky- CAMERA ZOOMS- UP THE CHIMNEY expanding the light and sky- which DISSOLVES TO: Wind again is wandering the streets in his old clothes He sees a minstrel troupe camped at the edge of town There are fools with bells on their hats, girls with tambourines, Jugglers, and a masked theatre master He catches a glimpse of a girl who looks like JUDAH But she quickly disappears into a gypsy wagon “I’d rather be a gypsy that camped at the edge of town… - The one who has a dancing bear that follows him around…” Wind wants to leave the city, but a constable is there and he turns back past the troupe again- A man in a bear suit brushes past- “Outta my way, laddie!!” Wind looks on astounded as he then dances “And he lifts his big foot up, he puts his big foot down, And bows and twirls and dances round and round” 83. The Bear dances into the sun, DISSOLVE TO: Wind daydreams of life on the ship “I found I was a cabin boy, last night as I did dream bound upon a magic ship for a land I’d never seen” (Scenes of the battle) “And the moon she filled our sails, and the stars they steered our course- And on our bow there was a golden horse…” (The queen’s bosom on the front of the ship) Wind is then in front of a church where a processional passes- A girl curtsies as a priest swings incense “The Queen eats goodly candy, the Bishop nuts and cheese- And when I am a grown man, I’ll taste just what I please” Wind wanders in an open market looking at the food “The honey from the bee, the shellfish from the sea, The earth, the wind, a girl, someone to share these things with me…” He again sees the girl that looks like Judah- she climbs into a carriage, and is whisked away before he’s sure Wind sleeps again under a ledge as it rains- he dreams (Fourth Verse- mixed lyrics repeated in round) Visual images of his experiences move and dissolve across the screen: The chimney sweep, the theatre troupe , the ships sails, the beheading, the lion, the Druids, the angel and the harp. DISSOLVE TO WHITE as “Dancing Bear” music ends and fades EXT ADMIRAL BENBOW INN DAY Wind awakens to sunlight in his eyes- A female voice calls him, as a figure cuts through the sunlight over him: JUDITH (JUDAH) Hullo there… You sir… Yes- Good morning… Who are you? What are you doing here?…” It is Judah and Wind is startled by her appearance WIND Judah! It you! My Judah… He takes her face in his hands 84. JUDITH What ARE you saying? Oh no sir… I’m afraid you’ve confused me with someone else… My name’s Judith… Judith Capulet… WIND I am Wind, Wind of Peese Clan… and you- you my Judah… JUDITH Wind? Your name can’t be just Wind then, can it..? Why you poor man… You must be delirious from exposure… WIND Uh- They call me John Maybury… JUDITH Well… John… It’s no good sleeping in gutters… You’ll catch your death of a cold… Why don’t you come with me? I’ll fetch you a warm meal at the inn- INT ADMIRAL BENBOW INN DINING AND DRINKING HALL DAY Wind and Judith enter and pass through the dining hall She gets some food from a table and hands it to him He eats eagerly The man in the bear suit has the head off, and is eating Wind stares at him as he walks past JUDITH These old inns should really be for the passing stranger-like you! But they’re always full of drunkards, ladies of the eve’nin… An we performers, of course
INT HALLWAY OF INN DAY They pause in a hallway and Wind tries to get Judith to recall the tribe and that she is Judah
85. WIND Judah- don’t you know me- I am Wind… of Peese clan You are Judah… my wooman. you my mate… have my baby… JUDITH Mr. Maybury… PLEEEASE.. You‘re talking nonsense now! She turns away slightly and shudders WIND I sorry… I am so (gestures crazy) I was in- battle… on big… ship… Almost… die in sea. Now I be- wil- dered… JUDITH Oh… I see! You’re a sailor- and were in a battle… They pulled you from the sea… which left you… bewildered! Oh listen John- I’ve a friend who’d love to meet you- He’s a printer by trade… But he writes about things- he’ll find your story fascinating! He printed a poem I wrote… Would you like to hear it? Wind shakes his head “yes” Judith produces a parchment and reads as Wind looks on a little dumbfounded and lost by her more complex speech JUDITH It’s called ‘The Ever Changing Wind” Within the trees, the wind is music her gentle fingers caress the leaves as delicate she plays her forest harp -a wispy ghost unseen Judith mimics playing with her hands, Wind imitates her From afar you hear her coming, Swirling- dancing as an unspoiled child She moves about gracefully swaying as she reads 86. With invisible, ageless purpose Serenely stroking melodies never the same The wind and I speak often Her voice soft lilt perfume surrounds her wing-ed chirping children And lifts their timbre through the timber… (Timbre and timber, you see?) Within the trees the wind a lover has - in rain from darkened skies And as he dews, he dresses her in hues To nurture all their forest children Judith’s brow furrows and she gets a little more dramatic Within the village, the wind’s a wild ram Funneled, stampeding corridors Buffeting the sturdy, rocking all that yield As a cat, she pounces shrieking, clawing at your nostrils, With stink… of dung… and soot Here and there …like Common air! WIND Soot! … yeah… yeah… yeah JUDITH Within the town, wind and rain no lovers are As she’s no longer pure, and he’s quickly down the sewer So give me wind, and woods- with trees And rain that lingers on the leaves Wind then tries to kiss Judith, but she resists JUDITH John… Please…no! you don’t understand… I like you John… but I already HAVE a gentleman friend… There is an awkward moment of silence between them JUDITH You must go now John… But do come back this evening… I’m singing… here at the inn… And I’ll have the owner take care of you- alright? 87. WIND Alright, alright EXT FOGGY ENGLISH MOUNTAIN GREEN MONASTERY DAY Wind wanders, depressed that Judith doesn’t remember him He enters a monastery where monks sing a Gregorian chant- He watches from a pew as a they move down the center row- He sees a monk who looks similar to Monk #2 WIND You.. You are free! MONK Shhh! No talking here! The chants echo off the tiled archways and high ceilings And cross fades to the drum beat of first hunting sequence “PROCESSION” TRACK EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE SITE DAY The drumming stops and a Tribal council begins- DOM Now we kill more mead, Boar and roes hard to find… We need more hunting ground… This new camp stuck in one place- we need move to survive we must follow food AHMAN You mean you want more hunting ground- other tribes ground! DOM If that what it take- other tribes can no defeat us- Now we have boughs- and roe spears! AHMAN Men would die- must not happen! Priests forbid you to go! FIRE Dom right… Now our chance to get more land… 88. AHMAN You too my son? You think this way Wind was no such fool… DOM Druid hunters! Now our time… we must fight- for survival! The hunters cheer and erupt into a frenzy- they dance an impromptu war dance as the priests concur together AHMAN (SCREAMS) We priests agree then… You no longer called Druids! Druid tribe stay here! DOM And we will roam! We are- Roam Men! EXT BY THE BIG TREE DAY The alter is nearly finished- Dove plays the harp pensively- Sun enters SUN Is it true? you go with hunters? DOVE Yeah, it true. All this time They all want me with Dom… Now I go, my parents angry Fire and Labah go too- SUN Mine angry because I stay here… They say I scared- like cat DOVE I no think so… They need you here, to build camp… SUN Stay here with me, my young Dove… Stay here- be my wooman… 89. DOVE Too late for that… Dom would kill you! SUN And this arpa? You leave this too? -after Moth healed? Dom want make war… No place for my Little Dove MY goddess! DOVE does not answer, but continues to play DISSOLVE TO: INT ADMIRAL BENBOW INN DINING HALL NIGHT A woman strums a hearpe on the stage- No one pays her much attention except Wind, who watches as he sits with Judith JUDITH Well yes I’ve heard of Druids before, Aren’t they some kind of priests? You say they live in the forest And hunt boars? And your wife looks like me? Well, Mr. Wind, I hope some day you find your girl and all your people again The owner of the Benbow Inn shows up THE OWNER Well, m’lady Judith, the place is a graveyard.. So if yell grace us with a song, maybe yell wake some o these blokes up! He clangs a ship’s bell, as WIND holds his ears THE OWNER Oye, oye! Ladies and Gents! We ave ‘ere tonight Lady Judith one ‘o the best singing lassies yell ever ’ear- So listen up! But don’t let it slow your drinkin! The gathering laughs and cheers and some raise their glasses Judith then leads the assembled group in a chorus of “Loch Lohman” accompanied by a harp
90. “A yon bonnie banks, and a yon bonnie brays For the sun shines bright on Loch Lohman Weary to have past, so many blight some days On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lohman Oh you take the high road, and I’ll take the low road And I’ll be in Scotland before ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lohman” Wind watches Judith and has flashbacks of his old life “I’m minded where we parted on yon shady glen On the steep, steep side of Ben Lohman Wearing purple hue the Highland hills we view And the morn shining out from the glow’in Wind sees himself by the stream with Juda in his arms DISSOLVE BACK TO JUDITH the other patrons join in, swinging mugs as they sing “Oh ye take the high road and I’ll take the low road And I’ll be in Scotland before ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lohman” Pamela continues the next verse by herself “The wee bird may sing and the wild flowers spring And in sun shine the waters are sleeping” Wind and the druids eat by the campfire and smile
“The broken heart will get no second spring again And the world does not know how we’re greeted” DISSOLVE BACK TO JUDITH AS MORE AND MORE PATRONS JOIN IN THE SINGING Wind doesn’t know the words, but swings his mug as he sees the others doing “Oh you take the high road and I’ll take the low road And I’ll be in Scotland before ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lohman” 91. Judith solos again “A yon bonnie banks, and a yon bonnie braids For the sun shines bright on Loch Lohman” Wind stands next to Sun watching the sunrise over the rock “Weary to have past, so many blights and days On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lohman The other patrons join in, laughing and toasting one another “Oh you take the high road, and I’ll take the low road And I’ll be in Scotland before ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lohman” The gathering cheers and the applause dissolves into the sound of drums- the PROCESSION drum beat EXT CELTIC CAMP DAY The druid hunters make a sneak attack on the Celtic camp The rivals are surprised by the new weapon and routed Dom and Axe square off and fight each other- Dom has a spear and Axe has a battleaxe- - “Ahh- ahh- ahh- ahh- ahh-ahh” Axe splits Dom’s spear with the axe- but Dom just smiles An arrow comes from the side and drops Axe- Dom turns to Dee with the bow and they smile at each other The rest of the Celtics flee- the drumming continues The victorious hunters then spontaneously celebrate with a war dance around a campfire- An arrow gets knocked into the flames- Fire picks it up and shoots at a hut which then catches fire- Dom reacts with interest INT ADMIRAL BENBOW DINING HALL SAME NIGHT At the conclusion of the song, GARRAND SHAKESPEARE (Sun) enters and sits at their table, acting close to Judith JUDITH Oh John.. Here’s the friend I spoke of… Garrand. Garrand, this is John… tho he prefers to be known simply as ‘Wind’ 92. GARRAND Wind?… Really? And why is that? WIND Sun… Sun… is it really you? JUDITH Uhm… I’m sorry Garrand. But Mr. Wind here gets Everybody confused- It seems he’s suffered some shock in a sea battle… And now he’s a little… a little…(gestures crazy) (WIND joins in and they both say) -Be-wildered- WIND Yeah, Yeah-I am be-wild-ered… GARRAND Oh… well- sorry to hear that, Wind… JUDITH But other than that, I assure you that he’s quite likable. GARRAND Well yes… I’m sure he is… Garrand pulls out a sketch he’s drawn GARRAND Oh look Judith… Here’s a drawing of the place I told you about… The Duke of Canterbury Took me there… The sketch is similar to Sun’s- but more sophisticated GARRAND It’s not far from the Duke’s estate… You MUST see it Judith… Really! It’s some kind of old fortress- But no one knows how it got there- Our good Duke invites us to a solstice celebration… The day after tomorrow 93. JUDITH Well, I suppose so… but I’ll Only go by carriage… I’m already To sore to get astride a horse… at least, at the moment… GARRAND For the good lady… I’m sure something comfortable can be arranged We’ll leave by carriage- in the morning Wind now sees an attraction between the other two, He grows wary and jealous as he looks on… JUDITH (now flirting) Well, then Garrand… playright and craftsman… I hear you may have gotten an unnamed girl in the family way GARRAND Well, it may be true- that is- it could be true. Still- I doubt it true… JUDITH Yes- but what if it were true? Would you want your… your ‘surprise heir’… to be a boy- or a girl? GARRAND A young lad, of course! A nose I could put to the proverbial grindstone -in my printing enterprise! JUDITH Well then- what would you name this lad, dear Garrand? GARRAND Hhmmm… Lets see … Well, knowing the English tradition of naming new arrivals after the rest of the family- The poor child would have to suffer our family moniker… 94. JUDITH OHhh Nnno! Not those dreadful men who wield that notorious weapon from one generation to the next…. GARRAND Yes, yes… that’s us, the infamous SHAKESPEARES! And so then- According to family tradition The boy must then bear the burden… of my older brother’s name JUDITH I assume you mean the one killed while depriving a London butcher of his precious meat GARRAND Yes I’m afraid that’s him… And so Lady Judith- If this doubtful arrival ever appears I’m afraid his name would have to be William… William Shakespeare EXT CELTIC CAMP DAY Dom stands in front of the warriors waving his spear again When he finishes, he plunges it into the ground DOM Old spears served us mighty, But now the Roam Man need Bough- and Roe spears! The others cheer DOM Enemies may be back. We need all boughs we can get. And strings… more strings we must take all pet cats- it matter of survival! While the warriors are meeting, a Celtic sneaks into camp and steals a bow and some arrows As the group breaks up- Dom puts his arm around Judah and they leave together- Dee leers at Dove lustfully |
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