part 3 |
51. WIND I no want to fight. Home! I just want to go home! SALTY Home? A sailor’s ship’s his home lad! Why, there’s everything here ya could ever want! As sun sets, Salty sees some dolphins following the ship SALTY See that Maybury? Thars a pack ‘o Dolphins! Sailors think ‘em lucky. -‘cause they keep sharks away! An ‘ave a look at that sunset! Red sky at night- a sailor’s delight…. But when she’s red in the morning- Sailors take ye warning! A sailor plays a fife in melancholy tones as WIND stares into the
swells -DISSOLVE TO: reflection of Dove’s face EXT DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE DAY Dove draws water from the river- she looks into the woods remembering
the Hearpe strains, which fade into the wind rustling leaves in the tree- she leaves EXT THE BIG ANGEL’S TREE DAY Dove passes SUN who sketches the sunrise over the heelstone- and
talks to his friend again SUN Good morning my fair one. how you this fine day? DOVE I good. But no time to talk… SUN continues on with his friend SUN The morning of storm- sun come up right over big rock- 52. FRIEND So sun come up over rock. What that mean? I think you got rocks in head my friend! EXT HUN’S HUT SAME DAY Dove waters some goats, then some small pet cats, while she and
Moth pet them- Ahman arrives AHMAN Dove! Dove! Judah having baby- My grandson! EXT SHIP’S DOCK- 1536 A.D. DAY The ship has docked and some of the men undock Wind stands at the ship’s railing and stares at the strange
town before him- The captain comes up behind him THORROW What’s the matter lad? You look as if you’ve no where to go. WIND I HAVE no where to go. I never see this place before. THORROW Hmm. Still confused eh? Then come with me lad. You can stay with me until we set sail again. I’ll warn you though… I might have some work for you. They walk down the gangplank onto the pier EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE- TRIBAL COUNCIL NIGHT As the Druids finish a meal- Ahman and the Peese clan arrive With Judah- the harp sits by the fire AMAN Judah have baby- New Druid is born! The gathering cheers, as Judah holds the baby 53. AHMAN … a new baby girl! There’s a lesser reaction- Ahman calls the gathering to order
AHMAN Great gods over us. Be not angry with us- Keep us safe and bless This tribe meeting- PRIEST Ahman, Why you think this… Arpa-thing… come to us? AHMAN I think much on this… I think may be to show us spirits and gods real- And I think it here for US- It a gift- from the gods! So, I think we try to play it like she play it, - to honor Great Spirit! Everyone cheers AHMAN But- It for PRIESTS to play, cause this about Great Spirit! The other priests shake their heads in agreement There is silence and much of the tribe looks unhappy YUDOC What about me? I play music for our tribe. The priests confer AHMAN Yes, Yudoc can play too cause he Druid doctor. So now we play! They bring in a stump to sit on while playing the priests take turns playing, without much ability They instruct each other- while the women watch 54. AHMAN No, no- her hands on both sides… After a while the women begin to murmur among themselves DOVE They always say it gift from Gods But it goddess first play it here. LABAH Yeah… Yeah… GODDESS! RAIN I want chance play it… - just touch it. HUN (To all) We should all get to play it. Gods bring it to tribe, not just priests… The priests then confer among themselves for a moment AHMAN Yeah- yeah- we give All a chance to play. But only when priest there. The others cheer DEE So my brother. Will you play this Arpa? DOM I see no point. Just make noise! Waste of hunters time! As the attention turns to the harp, Merry speaks up MERRY Ahman- you forget? We need pick name for your new grand daughter AHMAN Yeah yeah… how I forget? just a moment every one… 55. He takes the baby from Judah AHMAN Great spirit who watch over Druids- Thank you for this new child. Keep her healthy- protect her… So one day she have even more children.. The others cheer AHMAN Judah! What you want call this girl? JUDAH I want name her ‘Willow’ ‘cause I think of her pa, when ever I see wind move willow trees… Can still see my Wind coming home to kiss my cheek and feed our tribe… Now I wish he could see his daughter- I know he be happy. AHMAN (Chokes up emotionally) Yeah- I think that good name. Name my son be proud of Do rest of you want this girl called “Willow?” There is a chorus of “Yeas” from the others- “Good
Good“ AHMAN Then Willow her name… Dom sits by his mother Rain DOM Maybe I take Judah for my wooman- she look good … RAIN Be only burden… her, and this baby- (MORE) 56. RAIN (CONT’D) Dove better for you, Give you SON… if clans join, may be you lead tribe someday DOM What if both are my wooman? RAIN That against Druid law. other hunters get jealous. No listen to you then…. As the others disperse, the women exchange hugs Labah Now Judah and I got OUR babies, Now it YOUR turn Dove- EXT CAPTAIN THORROW ESTATE HOUSE DAY Captain and Wind arrive in a horse drawn cart INT CAPTAIN THORROW TROPHY ROOM DAY A butler shows them into a trophy room where a fire burns in the
hearth- There is a globe, and stuffed animal heads A lion, bear, wolf, fox, falcon, and a boar- Wind sees lion’s head first and is startled THORROW Frightening, eh Maybury? I must admit it was a bit scary when we bagged him. Four of us put a round of musket balls into him… And he STILL came at us- until he fell- just a few feet away… There is also a sword, a battle ax, a mace- and a suit of armor-
Wind shudders as he inspects the sword THORROW Here’s a few weapons more suited for battles on land… He bangs on the suit of armor 57. THORROW Wouldn’t want to go overboard wearing this, would we? WIND (Looking dumbfounded) No He also shows WIND his first books THORROW Here’s my book collection- I probably have more books than anyone in the navy.. Don’t suppose you read, do you? WIND shakes his head “No” THORROW Here’s one “printed“- on a devise called a printing press… Much faster than hand lettering See that? A Bible- “The word of God” WIND The word of God? THORROW Yes- they say it’s how god speaks to mankind Wind takes it and turns it around and around THORROW It’s banned in parts of the world. But I think we‘ll soon have religion for even the common man. Speaking of the world, Here’s my globe- It’s a map of the world As it is known today- You have heard that it’s not flat, haven’t you? He slaps Wind on the back and chuckles WIND Do you have a wooman Captain Thorrow? 58. THORROW Eh… Well… I did. She died in the plague- But we had no children, So at least there’s none to be looked after. WIND I… sorry. I should not ask. THORROW Oh no. It’s alright really. Guess an old war bird like me Can’t be tied down for long- He pulls out a rolled up map and spreads it across the table THORROW Look here and I’ll show you where we’ve just sailed… DISSOLVE TO: INT DOVE’S ROOM NIGHT Dove dreams of the angel- She walks in a fog hearing the harp-
she comes to a light place, surrounded by huge stones- STONEHENGE- where the angel shows her how to place her fingers and
smiles before she vanishes EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE SITE NEXT DAY Sun has drawn a plan of an altar for the harp, and a new design
for the Druid camp and he lays it out for the others It is a drawing of STONEHENGE- Other tribe members crudely play
the new harp in the background. SUN Here my idea for new camp. There two circles, around altar Altar to Gods- at arpa tree We put huts up in air… off ground- safe from beasts Inner circle for priests Outer circle for hunters and rest of tribe… AHMAN 59. Hmmm. Yeah, yeah. I think idea good- but take time -much hard work… What you think Four Man? Can such a camp be built? FOUR MAN (a four-fingered man) surveys the plans FOUR MAN Yeah ..Yeah… may be. But -huts need be moved It take time. Much work… CHINOOK What wrong with camp now? We need eat- to eat we need hunt. My young son has no time for THAT. AS the priests confer together: SUN New camp take time, yeah papa. But would be safer.. CHINOOK Not if we starve when ice come! The priests turn back to the others AHMAN Good- yeah… We decide idea good- this new camp… safer- and altar may be bring favor from gods… We start work soon as we can- Suddenly the priests notice that lovely harp music is behind them.
They turn and see Dove playing, while others watch transfixed- some in awe, some jealous. AHMAN My daughter play better than any of us. YUDOC Yeah- ‘cause I teach her flute first! The harp music continues as we CUT TO: 60. EXT NEW DRUID CAMP SITE- STONEHENGE ANOTHER DAY Sun and Four Man look at the drawing as huts are being moved and wood is being cut with axes. Sun shows Four Man a picture of
a crude ladder, dissolve to the end of a violin Harp audio dissolves into the long note of a symphony orchestra
tuning up- then mixed with symphony hall ambience INT ROYAL CONCERT HALL- 1536 DAY Wind and Captain Thorrow attend a performance of a symphony orchestra-
As they enter, he straightens Wind’s tie THORROW So tell me Maybury- have you ever seen a symphony orchestra perform? WIND No… What …is… that? THORROW Then you’re in for a real treat my boy… You’ll see… As they enter the Royal Hall, Wind sees the rows of seating and
gets nervous WIND This a col…col…col-i-seum…? THORROW A coliseum? Oh no good lad- this is the Royal Hall. WIND Do warriors fight here? THORROW Oh no no Maybury! We’re here for a concert. WIND A con.. cert? THORROW Music… my good fellow! Mighty FINE music The finest in Great Britain! 61. As they are being led to their seats by an usher, Wind sees the angel- transparent, and playing onstage WIND Captain Thorrow- Do you see her?- it is the angel! THORROW Angel?… No- I see no angel lad… although there are some in the audience… He turns and kisses the hand of an elegant woman THORROW Good evening Madame Liszt. WIND (still watching the angel) Do you no hear? Her music like soft rainfall… THORROW No Mr. Maybury, all I hear is a rather hushed audience on a serene summer evening… The angel dissolves and her music fades as audio dissolves to the
sound of an orchestra tuning up behind the curtain The men are seated and the Captain greets others around him ADMIRAL BILLINGSLY You’ve arrived just in time Thorrow- they’re about to raise the curtain… Yudoc comes onstage and bows to the audience- they applaud The orchestra becomes quiet and a single French Horn plays the
MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S NOCTURNE Wind is surprised and tells the Captain that he knows him WIND Captain Thorrow- I know this man- He is Yudoc! He from my tribe! THORROW No No, my boy I doubt that very much- That man’s a Spaniard… 62. Yudoc turns around as the curtain rises Wind continues to stare at the stage ADMIRAL BILLINGSLY (To the others) Yes Yes, and actually a prisoner of sorts. He was detained at the King’s court, when the hostilities broke out… There’s a lot of gossip about this strange man Beyond his musical ability- he’s a physician as well. THORROW Yes I heard that too. They say he’s such a fine doctor, he’s called The Phoenix-
dying patients are said to rise from certain death- like the mythical Phoenix rises from the ashes… OTHER MAN Oh really!? A SPANIARD physician…? ADMIRAL Yes, all the patrons say that he writes the most advanced music to ever grace the Royal Orchestra THORROW What’s his real name then Admiral? ADMIRAL You know- come to think of it, I’ve only heard his epithet- The Phoenix… The Phoenix Mendelson The NOCTURNE overture ends- the curtain is raised and the orchestra
ready- Yudoc taps the podium, raises his arms, and conducts the orchestra in the MIDSUMMER’S NIGHT’S OVERTURE The captain is relaxed while Wind is in awe of what he hears and
sees as the string section plays the opening section At the first crescendo Wind becomes overwhelmed by the noise and
begins to panic- He covers his ears, then jumps up on the backs of the seats, and tries to leave 63. The captain pulls him back into his seat He finally settles down again as the music gets quieter Wind then catches a glimpse of Dom in a balcony pointing at something
on stage- he strains to get a better view when a blond woman in a powdered wig leans in front of Dom. By the time she sits back, Dom has disappeared from view Wind’s attention again turns to the orchestra A transitional AUDIO AND VIDEO DISSOLVE to near the end of the
OVERTURE- the music crescendos and ends The audience thunders applause and yells for an encore as Wind
holds his ears. Wind again looks toward the balcony but can’t see the man standing behind the woman in the wig. CROSS DISSOLVE AUDIO AND VIDEO TO: EXT DRUID CAMPFIRE SITE DAY Hun awkwardly plucks an arpa he’s built in front of the others,
who “oooh” and “aahh” at his invention AHMAN That very good Hun. HUN It not as good as Spirit wooman’s arpa, but it my first try. AHMAN inspects the strings AHMAN And where you get string like that HUN I get string from uh … a cat. A cat? Tell me then.. Is there more? Can you make more of these arpas? HUN Yeah yeah- enough for may be one, two more 64. INT ROYAL BANQUET HALL EVENING Captain Thorrow and Wind attend a banquet for the King They enter the banquet room and are seated at a table perpendicular
to the head table THORROW Well lad, did you ever think you’d dine with His Royal Highness? Wind shakes his head “no” THORROW You’re in for a treat. The king has the finest chefs in all the land… Trumpets blow and Henry the Eighth enters with pomp and circumstance
And then is seated… It is a fat Dee Wind is confused and tries to talk to the captain WIND I, I think I know this man… Thorrow shushes him THORROW Quiet Maybury! Or he’ll have your head for dinner… A Bishopric stands and praises King Henry in prayer (Ps.21) BISHOPRIC The king shall joy in thy strength O lord How greatly shall he rejoice! Thou hast given him his heart’s desire… Thou settest a crown of gold on his head… Honor and majesty are his For thou has made him most blessed… for ever Henry beams as The Bishopric continues: For the king trusteth in the Lord Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies… 65. With great emphasis, he thrusts out his right hand Thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee… Thou shalt make them a fiery oven, in the time of thine anger… He has a strange look as if watching flames with rapture The Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath- and the fire shall devour them His hands span across a globe Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men… The Queen feeds Henry a grape For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a… MISCHIEVOUS
device… Therefore… (Turns to Henry) … thou shalt make ready thine arrows upon thy strings against
them Be thou exalted Lord, in thine own strength: So will we sing and praise thy power. Another bishop declares “Hear Hear!!”, they all cheer
and pat each other’s backs- and Henry waves a drumstick around- HENRY A troupe of minstrels and jesters then begin a song and dance around
the hall The raucous banquet ensues and Wind’s goblet is filled continuously
until he is drunk Through drunken eyes Wind sees a girl who looks like Juda But she dances away before he can do anything Henry tosses his drumstick, and a playful food fight ensues Wind passes out from wine- the minstrel’s song fades 66. INT DOM’S HUT NIGHT Dee has one of Hun’s new harps and crudely tries to make
music with it- Dom holds his ears DOM What you do with that? DEE Hun let me play it. DOM More arpas! Priests want More arpas… If Aman think we risk our lives hunting big cats for more strings, he crazy! He then seats himself and begins to eat peas DOM Eh! sick of cold peas! We need hunt boar! Warm days gone soon! While still fooling around with the primitive Harp, Dee discovers that it will propel a twig from a string He bothers Dom by hitting him with a twig DOM Stop that! It get late now- You must go- like we say- Dove girl soon bring soup… I want be alone with her… They laugh between themselves like typical men Dee leaves strumming the harp DOM And stop making that noise! INT SUN’S ROOM NIGHT Dove brings some soup to Sun’s hut where he gives her some
wooden wind chimes SUN Look. I make for you… make soft sound when wind blow. 67. DOVE Yeah- They nice, but why…? He then kisses her- Dove is surprised and flattered, Her first reaction is to acquiesce- then she breaks it off DOVE No this not right… Dom would kill you. SUN I no care what my brother think I want you be my wooman… I think of you all the time. DOVE No… this no good… I need go… Give soup to others … INT DOM’S HUT SAME NIGHT Dom stashes a couple of boar skulls under a pelt Dove enters with the soup and wind chimes DOM What you have there Dove-girl? She hands him the wind chimes DOVE These make soft sound in wind DOM Yeah, yeah- carved good… Hun make them? DOVE No no- Sun make them. Dom then tosses them aside DOM I think my little brother need spend time helping hunters, not making things like this! Dove hangs them in the window beside the bed As she turns around, Dom takes her in his arms, kissing her He moves her toward the bed and down onto it 68. CU- The chimes in the window begin to catch the wind DISSOLVE TO: INT CAPTAIN THORROW’S TROPHY ROOM NIGHT Passed out in the trophy room, Wind mumbles, as he dreams He sees the banquet and hears the words of the Bishopric: Thou shalt make ready thine arrows upon thy strings against them… KING HENRY snarls and his face becomes the lion- he is suddenly
struggling against it again in the coliseum… The arrow comes from the side and kills the lion as before The crowd roars- Wind turns his head and now sees that it is Fire
who shot the arrow- Wind struggles out from under the lion and staggers toward Fire-
beckoning to him Fire turns his back and raises his arms for the crowd. As he completes a circle and Wind gets near, another arrow enters
Fire’s back He falls to his knees and collapses as Wind reaches him Wind turns and sees Centurion (Dee again,) also with a bow Wind cries out and his cry fades to hollow clacking sound of the
wooden wind chimes INT DOM’S HUT SAME NIGHT Dom and Dove have fallen asleep- now Dove is dreaming -she sees the ANGEL again and hears the harp. As she approaches the angel turns and becomes Sun They kiss again and she finds the experience pleasant DISSOLVE TO: CLOSE UP- DOM SLEEPING Dom mumbles in his sleep EXT DRUID CAMP NIGHT He dreams of the night of the cat attack- Instead of Wind, he is
overtaken by the cat and struggles with it- DISSOLVE TO: EXT ROMAN COLISEUM DAY and Dom then struggles with the lion in the same way there 69. INT DOM’S HUT SAME NIGHT Dom and Dove are on the bed- Dom is restless on top- the camera closes in on Dove DISSOLVE TO: Dove’s dream As Dove and Sun kiss, Sun changes into Dom, holding her roughly
- Labah holds her baby and urges her to have a baby LABAH’S VOICE Now it your turn Dove, Now it your turn Dove. She struggles with Dom INT DOM’S HUT SAME NIGHT The happy couple wrestle on the bed INT DOM’S HUT NIGHT CU of Dove’s face and dissolve to her dream She pleads with Dom to stop- he also changes into a lion EXT ROMAN COLISEUM DAY Dove’s struggle also becomes with the lion in the coliseum-
As she screams, the arrow again comes in from the side She looks at the arrow in astonishment CUT TO: Dom’s dream where the arrow also comes in from the side Dom focuses in on the arrow itself and notices the feathers He then looks to the side and sees Centurion Dee CUT TO: In Dove’s dream, she looks in the direction that the arrow
came from and sees Wind standing with the bow She calls to him as she struggles out from under the lion DOVE Wind! Wind! You live! You live! The crowd roars as she crosses the arena and Wind turns in a circle
taking accolades AS Wind turns again to face her, it is now Dom again |